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RIP Tina

can people please stop bloody dying?

RIP Tina!

Listening to some Berlin electronic music I stumbled across, this is great


One of my favourites. When Peter Baumann pulled out of Tangerine Dream before the 1975 Australian tour, Michael Hoening filled in. And he was with them for the Royal Albert Hall concert. Later on he wrote the soundtrack for Baldur’s Gate. He also teamed up with Manuel Göttsching of Ash Ra Tempel.

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Oh wow, so I’d inadvertently spent hundreds of hours listening to the guy’s music.

The Tangerine Dream connection doesn’t surprise me, it’s a bit like Manchester based musicians who played in The Fall at some point. :slight_smile:

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Not bad. But I still miss Abbath’s touch on these new songs


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Last night I went to see Talvin Singh at Hebden Bride Trades Club [UK]. An amazing experience, he had a piano player who had worked with Brian Eno [Peter Robertson?]. Then he worked all night on his own with his tablas and a Mac Book using loopers, filters and resonators. So inspiring! Such minimalism to full on Drum and bass!!! I recorded audio from the show [very naughty], anyone care to hear this?



The string should have been more expanded on the sides…my humble advice