Hi everyone, I’m having a weird issue with sending a clock signal out via midi to my Midimuso so I can clock my volcas to VCV rack. When I send a clock signal out of VCV using the CV-MIDI module, the clock out signal will send perfectly fine and sync my hardware for about 20 seconds, and then the device will just stop sending midi information altogether. Then it will wait about a minute or two and then suddenly send another burst of clock signal for 20 seconds and then stop, and so on. I’ve tried two different midi interfaces and the same thing happens on both. When I try sending other information via midi through the same output such as gate and pitch information, it works fine, but the clock will just stop working. Has anyone else had this problem or can advise me?
Could be caused by this issue which will be resolved with Rack v2:
Not sure if this helps you any as I don’t have a volca but I have successfully used the cc- midi module to sync a tt303 bassbott , I can remember getting strange behaviour as well but after trial and error sussed out how to get it working . I sent the same clock signal to the continue jack on the cc-midi module as well as the midi clock jack , I sent a manual gate to both the run input of the clock module and the start jack of the cc-midi module and the same gate to the stop jack , the manual gate will start both the clock and my sequencer and also stop them on the next manual gate and the other thing is that the resolution of the vcv clock and the bassbott sequencer are different so I had to multiply the clock signal by 12 to make the sequencer play at the tempo I wanted .