wave table VCO?

Synthesis Technology E370 manual (piston honda) == Seven Seas


Does anyone know if the samples per cycle number is embedded in the wavetable wav files as metadata, and in that case - whether there are tools to report the number, or if it’s always down to trial and error which becomes a bit tiresome?

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for serum format, no. The wave tables are assumed to be 2048 samples long, so each wave file needs to be an even multiple of 2048 and that is what my (awful according to some folks here) wave table oscillator uses


awesome according to some folks was what you meant? :wink:


I don’t think there is any meta data in wavetable, at least not in the ones I’ve made myself and they all work fine no matter where I’ve used them, Serum, Axoloti, Pure Data, etc.

Serum for example has 2048 samples pr. waveform and it can have a variable amounts of waveforms, but pretty much always to the power of 2. Like 64, 128, 256, 512 waves, etc. Same with the waveform size. So let’s say 256 waveforms, each waveform is 2048: 256*2048=524288 samples for a full wavetable.

Serum is pretty god for making wavetables. You can drag and drop single cycle waveforms into it and then create and export your own wavetables, it will even convert the sizes of the single cycle waveforms to 2048 samples automatically, so it fit in the bigger picture. Check out the adventure kid free wavetables, there are a lot to choose from :slight_smile:

Using wavetables made for Serum by others people, in VCV wavetable module I am not sure they will work, cause Serum was a special morph function. The wavetable with the build in morph thing I have not been able to make work anywhere else than in Serum, so for these, there might be some metadata that only Serum understands.

If you do it the serum way and kind of make a “standard format” for you own wavetables, like 2048 sample pr. waveforms and 256 waveforms in total for a wavetable it’s easy to remember. I’ve made hundreds of wavetables like that for Axoloti. It’s a bit of work, but nice to have when done :slight_smile:

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serum uses some metadata, here’s an example of loading them in Surge

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I don’t know what you download for VCV WT-VCO - the Adventure Kid files are 600 sample single cycle waveforms AFAIK ?


PS. I have sent a feature request to VCV, asking them to support those AKWF single cycle waveforms.

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you can a do full conversion using sox to 256 samples
append all the pcm files in a single file
reopen and save the file as wav using oceanaudio or sox or ffmpeg
import in 7S

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I will look into that - thank you.

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tables in AKWF-FREE/AKWF–Synthesis-Technology/Wavetables /

are already compatible you can import slot by slot, or using drag and drop

(do a CLEAN BLOCKS before to be sure) and you can drag and drop all the files

all the slot will be filled

Thanks - it works

I’m sharing first 64 “AKWF-FREE/AKWF–Synthesis-Technology/Wavetables” wavetables exported from 7S, for easy import in 7S “LOAD GLOBAL BANK”:



as mentioned above, serum wave table files work fine in my VCV wave table VCO (ball of confusion) - it can even do spectral morphing between 4 different wave tables


(awful according to some folks here)

I shouldn’t do this, but I will anyway. The original post here is quoting me, as I am indeed the culprit who used to word “awful” to describe some wave table oscillators.

I have never named any wavetables that have shown themselves in my testing to be poor. Also, I have never used or measured the particular WT VCO that is being discussed, so that particular module is certainly not one I consider “awful” - I have never tested it and have no opinion as to its quality.

we do need a v2 version (hopefully soon?)

As I mentioned Serum is a pretty good wavetable creator/converter/etc. You can put the adventure kid wavetables into serum and you can export them in 2048 samples, for example. You can export single cycles or full wavetables.

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Thanks for the clarification @Squinky

Working on it!


You have referred to my vco before, so you are being disingenuous at best. I question the need to call anyone else’s work awful

Allow me to quote you : « I’m kicking the tires of some wavetable VCOs. Any suggestions on ones that are easy to use? So far I have found Blamsoft, Valley and VCV WVCO easy to use. Haven’t been able to figure out seven seas or ball of confusion.«

Note last sentence

@almostEric I know there is a fair bit of water under the bridge here, but @Squinky has said that he hasn’t been able to figure out Ball of Confusion and that he wasn’t calling your one awful. If I know Bruce well enough, he would only call things awful if he had used them and tested them and found them to be low quality.

Whether he should use awful to describe anyone else’s work is another matter entirely. I’d appreciate it if we keep it civil please.