Voxglitch Community Feedback

Does this work for everyone?

I get this weird label (and no sound):

seems a bug, nothing should output Not a Number (NaN)…

So am I nominated for the Ultimate Bugcatcher Award this time?



Oh wow, that’s not happy. Is that happening in all of your patches? I’m digging in right now.

Would anyone have time to help me test the newest version of Groovebox? I’ve had reports that there’s no output, but things seem fine one the newest version. (I don’t recall having any issues in the previous issue though.) :beetle: :beetle: :beetle:

Here’s a build for windows: voxglitch-2.18.0-win.vcvplugin - Google Drive

My master branch is updated with the latest changes. Thanks!! As incentive, you’ll also get early access to this new feature:


I would like to help you,
but I’m on holidays rn and have only inet on my phone.
I can test next week.

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@clone45 had that same issue with No Output on the latest version in the library both in rack 2.06 and the new rack 2.1.2.

Unfortunately I am on vacation starting today so I too can’t test anything till next Friday.

Bug is gone. The new feature is surprisingly great. Feels so ‘right’.

I’ll spend some more time with it later…

I saw 2.18 pop up, I give you feedback as soon as I can, maybe today

Well, i am using groovebox every day, so I can test the new one no problem

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I’ll go ahead and submit 2.19.0 submitted right now and request an expedient testing. I wonder if the bug is related to Mac vs. PC, or sample rate? Hopefully I fixed it inadvertently.

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This new feature is cool, but messes up with my workflow a bit. I usually like to scroll the field with my mouse wheel. So if by coincidence the arrow ends up at the groovebox sample window it starts changing the samples instead. Again, i like the idea, but it might be better to found another way of doing it. Like alt+scroll or something

Wow that is a very cool feature but I can see it could be problematic without a modifier or something.

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Very true. Hmm. In fact, very problematic since you might change your sample selection by accident when scrolling around the rack workspace in the middle of a performance.

DRAT! Ok, I’ve aborted the recent version I posted to the library so it won’t roll out to people until I get this sorted out, which should be later today.

I was going to use shift+scroll, but that still would overlap the built-in VCV Rack feature of shifting the screen left or right. Control+scroll is used by rack to zoom in and zoom out. Either way, I’m potentially getting in the way of Rack’s navigation.

Perhaps another option might be to click and drag up or down on the track name area? In other words:

  1. Click and hold on the track box
  2. Drag up or down to scroll through the sounds (similar to how the scroll wheel works now)

I think that should work?

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Well, unfortunately the click-then-drag strategy felt all wrong. I noticed that Rack isn’t using CTRL+SHIFT+mouse_wheel, so that seems like my best option.

I tested it an it feels great. The only drawback is that you have to remember the keystroke, which isn’t too bad.

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That seems like a reasonable alternative. Can’t wait to try it!

Man Groove Box is so fun, I got something up and cooking straight away, big smiles here! :bowing_man:


Hi Bret,

I think I’m doing something wrong:

As soon as a sample is triggered it outputs a NAN voltage. I’m running at 48kHz. Should the samples sample rate match what rack is running at? Most of my samples are 44.1kHz.

I apologize if this already been looked into. It looks like a fantastic module.

Hi Auret,

Oh, sorry, I didn’t read that you’re already running at 48kHz. That should work just fine. I think that code that I added for de-clicking is causing the issues, and hopefully my new build should fix it. But I’m also going to rewrite all of that code for the next release. I’m so sorry that it’s broken in the meantime.


Oh ok. If it’s a bug I don’t mind waiting, I just thought I set it up wrong. It looks really great, and looking forward to trying it out. Your other modules are fantastic by the way. Thanks so much for your work.