Voxglitch Community Feedback

You’re not alone, I confirm the issue you’ve mentioned above.

Voxglitch v2.25.0 plugin (platform: Windows 10, VCV Rack 2 Pro 2.2.2 standalone).

Thanks! I’ll get that fixed relatively soon!


Don’t worry, Bret, we understand it’s a beta, take the required time.

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I just have to say, this is a textbook example of a good bug report! Repro steps + stack trace, no baloney. :sunglasses:

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Totally agreed! PS: This bug is fixed and awaiting release.


Have you ever considered swapping these?



Oh… that’s interesting. I could certainly do that! I’ve added it to my to-do list here: Swap the NEXT and PREV inputs and buttons on Wavbank | Voters | voxglitch

Thanks for the feedback. It’s always appreciated!


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Hello Bret, It’s partially a programming question, and partially a feature request.

Could you add a smart menu to Sampler16P sample slots with more WAVs in the same folder? Similarly to NYTHI’s solution:

And if you could how to do it? :slight_smile:

Okay, I’ll have one as well. It would be SO nice to be able to shift the bars in Autobreak left right. Because the process - and I’m pretty sure it’s not just me - is to draw whatever bars, adjust them, carve a cool beat only to then have it start at position 13. 7. 10. And it’s a real pain to fix that manually.

And then :wink:


… to be able to shift via CV, individually, for all the modifiers. The sample, the ratcheting, the volume.

Sure! I’ve added that to the request board: Add a smart Sample Select menu to Sampler16P | Voters | voxglitch

Absolutely. :slight_smile: However, I’m not sure about the ability to shift them via CV yet. I can definitely allow you to do it via a contact menu item though? I’ve logged the request here: Ability to shift sequences on Autobreak Studio | Voters | voxglitch

I might work Sunday on getting a new update built with these and some other feature requests. I’ll keep you posted!


Fantastic :smiley: cv-shift would be icing on top, but I will also happily live without it.

Hey @purf,

I just realized that the feature you asked for already exists in Autobreak Studio. Holding down the shift key while dragging left or right on a sequence will shift if left or right. Give it a shot!

Cheers, Bret


Hi Andras,

I started thinking about this. One issue is that there are 16 sample slots. I’m wondering how this might be accomplished, and here’s one strategy:

However, I’m not sure if that’s really any better than the current sample selection process? Any ideas?

I realize that “hidden” features aren’t ideal, so tonight I added a context menu to AutobreakStudio which gives you another way of shifting the sequences left or right:


This will go live with the next update.

Also, here’s some fun… did you know that you can change the sequence lengths by holding the CTRL key while dragging on any sequencer?


It does indeed, Perfection :smiley:

Just give it a try with NYSTHI MusicalBox2. I think it feels so intuitive, comfortable, and quick to use.

I also believe that once the code is optimized in Sampler16P it could be a great addition to your more complex modules (Autobreak Studio, SamplerX8, Groovebox, etc.)

The context menu could look like this

Load individual samples
Sample slot 1>
	Load new sample
	Replace from folder >
Sample slot 2>
	Load new sample
	Replace from folder >

Just for reference the Sampler16P menu looks something like this at the moment:

Load individual samples
3: [EMPTY]
4: [EMPTY]

Thanks for thinking this through! I think it’s worth a shot, and I’ll code up a prototype soon. :slight_smile:

Hi @FiroLFO,

I gave it a try using MusicalBox2, but I don’t think that I’m going to take that approach. Here’s why:

  • MusicalBox2 takes 3 clicks to load a sample: 1) Right click to open context menu, 2) Select CURRENT SAMPLES, 3) Select sample.

  • With the menu that you propose, it would take 4 clicks to load a sample. 1) Right click to open context menu, 2) Click on Sample Slot, 3) Click on Replace from folder, 4) Click on sample

  • With the current implementation, it takes 3 clicks to load a sample. Well, technically two clicks and a double-click: 1) Right click to open context menu, 2) Click on Sample Slot, 3) Double click on sample.

  • With MusicalBox2, if there are a LOT of samples, it’s really tedious to scroll through them. At least on Windows, there is no scroll bar for menu items. You can use the scroll wheel, but it take multiple “scrolls” to get through a large list of samples. Of course, the OS’s file selection dialog box provides scroll bars, plus search capabilities.

In my humble opinion, is not a big enough improvement to change. Thanks for keeping the ideas rolling, and I’m sorry if I sometimes decide to not implement them. :man_bowing:

I’m glad you took the time and checked that out! And thanks for considering! :slight_smile:

I think all my voxglitch modules do not load They are up to date