Hi, this is my contribution: It’s all about frequency and ring modulation.
Here is the patch: FM&rides.vcv (33.5 KB)
I hope you’ll enjoy! Here are some patch notes:
- 4 operators to AB+C to a 2nd AB+C.
- The multiple is here to help making changes of algorythm on the fly and make them more readable.
- The second A*B+C receives two sinewaves from EV3 as well (1carrier and one modulator; the modulator passes through a wavefolder before.)
- To drive this patch a bit crasy here and there, I combine a dual envelope and a rampage for pitch modulation. They modulate them (LFO frequency, envelope’s attack and decay) eachother.
- The 3rd voice of EV3 provides a rumbling and droning bass.
- You’ll notice that I didn’t use any quantizer. It wasn’t really necessary since EV3 is self quantized and since I worked on a C based pitch with only ratios on the operators (0.125, 0.250, 0.5, 1, 2…).
Cheers. I’m looking forward diggin in yours! Denis