I wanted to take the time to rehearse more and shoot a fancier live performance with my camera, but the new year is a bit too busy for that and I wanted to get it done today, so whatevs.
All the VCV users I personally know aren’t on this forum, so I’ll pass on the extended challenge.
A few notes:
Careful when opening the file, it autoplays sound (the mixer doesn’t save mute status).
I consider the Submarine WM-101 Wire Manager as not counting towards the 20 modules limit, because it can be removed without altering the patch in any way.
I consider the Starling Via Meta as a single module, as its expander cannot be removed in VCV (and is not used in my patch).
Yes, all my entries to this challenge will have stupid gimmicks added to the main rule.
Inspired by the “303+808+909=2020”-meme I wanted to go out of my comfort zone and do some acid-inspired music. First draft took about 20 minutes, then a couple of days to refine & add modules to reach 20.
Nice! Disclaimer on my side, acid-music or the likes is out of my comfort zone, but this was awesome. Was that ADSR doing something like a sidechain or did I just look at it to fast?
yeah the INV output sent to vol CV ducks the signal with same clock trigger for kick n bass (etc) i just realised as well, taking the slew meter fall cv to the LLFO out gives lots more acidy goodness
i really enjoyed doing this as ur patch took me outta my comfort zone - ive never used the 2 seqs from CF or the slew meter, n its the 1st time ive got something effective from the acid module