Heyo hello hiya hi,
Here’s a bunch of experiments with vcv-host, polyturing, unintended hardware, and stupid patching party tricks, loosely collected together in the form of a “song” entitled “I am asdfjkhahsd” (the lyrics are slightly different, but who’s telling).
Polyturing is neato, but I couldn’t figure out the benefits of it being polyphonic over the mono original.
If you wanna see the rack better than in this video, here’s a pic:
All the VSTs used are free: Spicy Guitar, Stigma, MT Power Drumkit, DSK Saxophones, Alter/Ego, Synth1. But getting the patch to work on your machine sounds like a pain nonetheless. VST is hell.
Host is neat, but I’m much more interested about VST integration happening the other way around, once it’s finally released.
vcp-44-c.vcv (143.7 KB)