VCV Rack 2 vst & Ableton 11 - clock pulse sync

Rock solid clock pulse sync between Ableton 11 & VCV 2 vst, using ‘Ableton CV Tools’.
This should also work in the latest Ableton 10 version.

No midi involved.

Ofcourse you can use any other sync pulse generator or audio pulse track as sync source.

Same method for:

Cubase / Nuendo
Reason 11
Bitwig 4

Hope this helps, let me know if you have any questions.


Why do u use clock out for pulse sync? Is the midi to cv/gate not stable enough when syncing? I wasn’t checking for latency as they are both in daw so should be grand?

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added 48Hz LFO for comparison

clock_measurement.vcvs (11.6 KB)

EDIT: Deleted some non-sense. I didn’t understand the NYSTHI module - I will continue looking into this.


Are those examples with the new 2.0.4?

Yes. Rack Pro 2.0.4


Hi, i am not sure i understand this part? There is no clock out connected for sync.

This varies from system to system, some might not have any issues with midi sync, some might experience too many issues.

Interesting! Sounds like OS scheduling interfering with MIDI stabillity, which is not completely surprising. Wonder how other software achieves MIDI stability in the light of that…

I think it has more to do with the timing between the sampler and the incoming clock - I’m thinking Moire patterns - but I don’t know that maths or programming of such things TBH.

When I remove the wire going from the click to the CLOCK MULT DIV and reconnect it - it looks much better - guessing that it re-syncs to the signal.

I thought it was interresting enough to post - maybe someone can improve or explain. Perhaps come up with a module to analyse clocks, deviation, jitter and stuff like that.

I think he means why use the CV tools clock instead of the Midi > CV clock

In that case the answer is: reliability & stability.
Once you go the “clock pulse” way, you’ll never use midi sync again. :slight_smile:

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Yup! I’ve had that thought for a long time as well, because we’ve been troubleshooting it for a long time, and it would be great to just have one, simple tool to analyze and report that.

I’ve certainly been in that club for the last few years :slight_smile:

But since v2, I’ve found the midi clock to be pretty stable - no jitter on Clocked etc. And it’s slightly less hassle so I’m willing to try the midi route again for a bit.


removing and reinserting the TRIG cable it’s like pressing the RESET button.

the Time computer (in this module) to avoid jittering stabilize on the average of the first 3 pulse clock in and after, stop checking (til someone press RESET)

The idea was to capture as fast as possible a clock to reuse it with the inner clock
you can press RESET with another clock, slower to get an adapting clock computer

if you want a continuos check, you can use the LFOMultiphase TRIG IN too

Ah - i forgot the reset after 4 pulses :slight_smile:

Ah nice, this definitely replaces the solution I came up with in a pinch, which was to use an Ableton MIDI track to fire a clock pulse sample over and over again and send it to one of VCV’s audio inputs. While it proved to be more stable than the clock output on the MIDI>CV module, this is significantly better. Also all my clocks can live in one track. Convenient!

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Great :+1:t3: :slight_smile:

Hey guys would you say it’s worth getting the plug in version of VCV rack 2? I am having trouble in standalone with midi jitter even with a clock pulse being sent out my Audio Interface. You think midi jitter/latency would be better w plug-in?

Hi, if you already are having midi sync issues and aren’t able to achieve a steady sync with clock pulse method either.

Then i doubt that the VST version will give better results on your current setup. But ofcourse this is just guessing.

Would you rather have the Ableton as master or slave to impromptu?
