VCV Rack 2 Free and Pro released

Oh, the SSE4.2 requirement? If you’re rocking a processor from 2010 you should be proud that you’ve kept it alive that long, not embarrassed!

Or is it another requirement that you’re thinking of?


What happened to the VCV Recorder module? Will that be coming forward to Rack 2? Or has it just been dropped to “encourage” pro sales and i have to figure out a new way to record my patches now?

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The VCV Recorder repository has a v2 branch and it was updated as recently as yesterday; I think it just hasn’t hit the library yet. I can’t imagine that any of the existing official VCV modules, free or paid, are going to be dropped from V2 for any reason (unless it’s a pure addition, like VCO2 becoming a full-blown wavetable oscillator, or there’s something that’s now totally redundant because of built-in features).


Well that’s good to hear, but it’s certainly strange for a first-party module of such significance to have missed the release!

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Very strange

I see your point, but consider that the massive ongoing effort, both from VCV and from the devs/testers/users to update the library, isn’t going to be 100% done for some time. I’m guessing that Andrew didn’t want the release to slip out of November just because not all the ancillary modules were fully ported–once Rack itself crossed the threshold, the switch was flipped. Honestly, the first few days after release were going to be chaotic no matter what. I don’t know how long or how closely you’ve been following the V2 development but it has been a truly huge lift!


recording isn’t exactly an “ancillary” feature for this program

Recording is def a quite important and essential module but hopefully it will be in there soon enough. Just a bit strange to skip such an essential module for release isn’t it?

For a long time there was no recorder module


Been playing with it on and off throughout the day. Keeps saying you can only run one instance whenever I restart. Guess close program doesn’t quite work cause I keep having to kill it in task manager.

Right. It may seem essential now, but I remember using loopback, and then there were a couple of third-party modules–NYSTHI obv. (also hitting the library soon), but was there another really old one?

I totally see your point(s), @user453 and @fxbip, but I’d guess we’re talking about another day or two before it hits the library. Rack isn’t just one thing, it’s a big ecosystem, and some of the transition is just happening organically (meaning messily but effectively!)


NYSTHI is gonna hit official library? Good to know. Was worried when i didnt see them pop up. Been using his modules a lot. Do you know about Stoermelder? i use the Remove module a lot. Sorry havent been following the forum much.

Yes but you can grab the beta build here if you want it now


I noticed that the rack task usually, but doesn’t always, terminate promptly upon exiting but if you wait 5 or 10 seconds it does.

Yeah the task freeze happened here as well.

excellent thanks!

:partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:


So what are the updates cost? Until VCV 3 or unlimited updates?

Congratulations to everyone involved! VCV 1 was a life changer and v2 is gonna be as well. Already having a blast.

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