VCV Rack 2 Free and Pro released

ok thanks so much. So they failed everytime :slight_smile:

I will be resilient and I keep trying.

Thank you for all your effort and perseverance you put in this Wonderfull modular synth.

The reason why we love Bitwig right there!! And using the CV controller inside Bitwig gives you Voltage Modulation as well instead of just 128 Midi steps.


I am so stoked for the marriage of VCV and Reaper. This is so exciting.

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Purchased. Congratulations on the release!

Got it to work, which took some doing. Apparently the FocusRite and Mackie ProFX ASIO drivers weren’t playing nicely with each other causing Rack to stall while starting up.

So now I can finally play with it, all plugins downloaded too though not all of my favorite plugins are in yet.

Really love the cable hover info and right click options!

will get the pro too as soon as AU Support/Plugin is available. Hope soon!

Can I download plugins manually and put in the plugins folder? that four above keeps getting interrupted while downloading. I think that I’ve tried to update them more then 100 times ahahah

Congrats Andrew and the team! Great achievement!! it’s a milestone!

Can you tell me more about what you’re saying here regarding using CV inside of bitwig to get more than 128 midi steps?

I’m a long time VCV and Bitwig user (and losing my mind with joy over this VCV release) - but not sure if I’m clear on how to take full advantage of what you’re describing…sounds like all my control voltage wet dreams come true.

Hi Rigo, exact same issue here.

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You may have solved your issue, but your CPU might not support SSE4.2. See Rack 2 system requirements.

I tried to build VCV Recorder a couple days ago but couldn’t solve an Opus Windows build error in 20 minutes so scrapped it for later. I could remove Opus from VCV Recorder, but I like that open codec and want to advertise it. Might take another hour, but I won’t have time for at least a week, so if anyone wants to send a PR that fixes the Opus build on Windows, go ahead.


The Rack 2 Pro sale ends December 31, 2021 (plus 1 day to make sure all timezones get the promised offer).


So what are the updates cost? Until VCV 3 or unlimited updates?

Currently you are not paying for an update, VCV Rack and its updates are still free.

You can choose to buy the VST version - which is included in VCV Rack Pro.

So to put it in simple words, “you are paying for the VST plugin” if you choose so.

I prepare to purchase.

I am talking about the Rack 2 Pro.

Why would anyone running a business declare “updates will forever be free”? Even if that is your intention, publicly committing to that would be not super smart.