VCV Rack 2.1.2 released

I agree, its an issue. I believe the UI’s basic functions, need some serious polishing

For the Fundamentals LFO, WT LFO, and DELAY modules, what do the CLK inputs do? :thinking:

that’s a good question. The manual doesn’t seem to mention that input.

I’ve been meaning to make a video about that, at least for the LFO and WT LFO. It allows you to set the frequency relative to the incoming clock. Instead of specifying Hz, the calibration shifts to a ratio. The default home position is a ratio of 1. It even works at fairly high audio rates - up to around 900 Hz.

It seems to me a clocked LFO might work well as an FM operator. Of course there is no anti-aliasing. But I have been wondering about that - does anti aliasing do any good when you use the signal as an FM modulator?

I don’t understand the question. Does anti aliasing do any good in an FM oscillator, or does anti aliasing to any good on the VCO that is generating the modulating signal?

The latter. Is there any reason not to use an LFO that does not have anti-aliasing to modulate a VCO? Or put another way, does the anti-aliasing on a VCO do any good if you use that VCO to modulate another

if the modulator itself is aliasing, then that junk will show up in the final output, I think.

There is some ok (but not great) info on how to measure aliasing in this paper. Just make a patch and see what it looks like. Demo/ at main · squinkylabs/Demo · GitHub

This is, IMO, one of the best new features of the V2 fundamental modules. As Dave said, it allows you to sync them to a clock. Before V2, it was quite a complex setup to get this to work right. The fundamental delay has always been my favourite delay (for audio), and now it’s even better. Pair it with a clock divider to get 3/16 delay, etc.

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Sure, if there is aliasing in the modulator, it intuitively makes sense that it will impact the final FM output.

But I am thinking about the odd peaks (Gibb’s phenomenon?) that are introduced by anti-aliasing. Just by looking at the waveform, it looks like they could negatively impact FM results if used as a modulator. If we are talking sine waves, then there is no issue. But if your modulator is a square or saw, it seems like the odd peaks could cause problems, and if so, which does more harm? - aliasing in the modulator? or the odd peaks introduced by anti-aliasing in the modulator?

If the odd peaks are more significant, then it seems like a nice pure LFO at audio rates might work better as a modulator.

It’s an interesting question, and I don’t know the answer. I suspect you are wrong, but really don’t know.

Oh my, I put in an enhancement request for better control of copy/paste and selection import, and got a useful response back about copy/paste - There is already a way to do it.

So instead of duplicate, simply hover over the module you want to copy and press Ctrl-C (Windows), and then move your mouse to where you want to insert and press Ctrl-V. It works great!

It does not work if you select the module(s) (make it red), and then press Ctrl-C. In that case the module(s) is inserted as close as possible to the original.

We still need a better way to import a selection, and they said they are looking into it.


That’s funny. Within the last week I did a CTRL-C and CTRL-V out of habit and then was confused for a few seconds as to why I did not know I could do that. I am always fighting select and copy and selection import. I’m fighting move less often now since 2.1.2 allows the legacy behavior as an option.

Just my opinion, but there is still lots of room for UX improvement in these regards. I’m glad to hear that somebody is listening to the users.

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Yeah, that’s a cool feature. Of course it only copies and pastes parameter data, which is enough for most modules, but not modules like a lot of sequencers that don’t store note data in parameters. There are also some plugins out there that just don’t use parameters for … reasons.

Last I knew four devs supported the “portable sequence format” that allows copy/paste of note data between sequencers. Details here: SquinkyVCV/ at main · squinkylabs/SquinkyVCV · GitHub


When copied or saved, module presets include internal module data such as programmed sequences.

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Yep, just tried it out, and of course Andrew is 100% correct about this. Man, you don’t spot that guy in public for a year, but an incorrect post from me will draw him out of hiding every time :wink:


If you have a question about VCV, you can always reach us at VCV - Support.

You, Dave, are the best! I can confirm it works brilliantly. Importing a saved “Selection…” is being worked on too - that is good news to hear. It is much needed.

Will the missing scroll bars get fixed in the next update?