Vcv problems

Ive lowered the graphich usage on vcv macbook pro so it hurt my eyes looking at small letters, and foggy numbers… also when u open it in low resolution man your sight becomes like this

Try lowering the frame rate down to 30 fps or even 15fps if 30 doesn’t help.

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Allah has everything to do with everything. My goal is to bring faith back into the modular world. But that’s another discussion.

At this stage it’s best to remember VCV is a standalone app. People use it in conjunction with DAWs, but that’s not the way Allah intended it. You have to wait for Rack for DAW as the Muslim world waits for the Messih (not to be confused with Lionel Messi).

If you absolutely want to use a modular synth in your DAW, try Reaktor, Cherry Modular, Softube, Bitwig, Bazille… OOOOPS, THOSE AREN’T FREE. Allah doesn’t approve of warez, so I will not point at sites where you can download them for free.

In the meantime, why don’t you try making the best of what you got? Aphex Twin didn’t start out with high end gear you know, his first compositions were done with a broken Commodore 64. And that feeling poverty must’ve stock in his craw, because the guy is selling NFTs for a fortune now, promising he will plant trees to compensate for the carbon footprint of crypto transactions. Yeah, sure buddy. Good luck planting a forest the size of Uganda. Allah will judge you when your day comes.


so which audio drivers are you using on the Win PC? and which graphics card has it?

Brilliant man, just brilliant. I have to dissapoint you but there are several branches of Allah around the world. Sorry to trigger you up, but as you have nothing to do with this, but just is defensive for I dont know what reason, you are taking my free will to talk and express myself, and on top of that u are involving your Allah in this man??? Nice , like to hear this.

There are several portals around the world in which u can make contact with Allah, or someother entity god etc… speaking of judgement u are the only one judging here, u dont even know what you are doing but okay. But if you consult yourself with somebody who knows things a bit deeper than what is shown in the MANUAL

Im using asio fireface, it has geforce gtx 1650

I have no intention of taking away your free will, as that is something given by Allah, and therefore can only be taken by him.

But I apologize if you felt offended. I was trying to help by showing you a different way of looking at things.

I don’t understand why you’re angry with me? But please don’t bring your anger in here. You are angry at VCV, you are angry at me for trying to help… I don’t want to diagnose you as it’s against medical ethics to diagnose someone online, but maybe you’re really angry at yourself?

And how do you expect me to consult myself with somebody? That sounds schizophrenic (still not a diagnose).

I’m not judging anyone. I just said Aphex Twin will be judged when his day comes for acting with greed instead of thinking of the environment. Allah makes it very clear that only green solutions are holy solutions.

Sorry if you feel offended by my words, that is definitely not my aim. I love everyone, especially this community I want to be a part of with every bone in my body. Peace be with you.

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Im not angry, Im just fascinated with the psychology of a man, thats all.

All is good, then :slight_smile:

It was never opposite

How ironic, since your original title read “VCV Sucks”, which is not what I would qualify as “good”, but semantics I guess



Sorry mr craving for justice. I wouldnt reflect

You are trying to make sarcastic comments about my faith.

It’s off topic. This thread should be closed.

U bring things always in existence

Recep Allah has nothing to do with Vcv and if he thinks vcv sucks it sucks for him, it’s just an opinión.

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It is indeed. And he’s entitled to his opinion, even though he’s absolutely wrong.

I’ll stop talking about Allah for the moment. People might get the wrong impression.

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In any case Vcv was created by God not Allah. Andrew is I believe american where God rules.

Obviously you’ve never been in an American prison.

I dont know man… just wanted to say im having issues with this software for long time, its brilliant, and I wouldn’t wait a second to invest in it, and support it in any kind of way. It was the wrong that I said it sucks… how much it sucks that how much is great as well, at least to me yes. my understanding of synthesis and the whole concept of what sound is improved a lot.

Maybe I was wrong with this, maybe i wasnt . Everybody has its own. But yeah, sorry for anyone who felt in any way bad because of it.