I have a problem with an external sequencer, I use Circuit Tracks through midi>gate module, when the triggers are 2 steps apart, everything is fine, but as soon as they are a step apart, the vcv gets lost and starts playing strange rhythms, as if it was losing some of the triggers, can I somehow remedy this?
This problem does not exist when I send even very dense triggers to Ableton, e.g. to a drum rack
try to catch the signal with MIDI > CV module on the RETRIGGER output, on the TRIGGERS it should work. on the GATES it should require extra logic to work properly. Ok, it’s a workaround, waiting for VCV SUPPORT to reply
It helped partially, but I have all the drum elements from Circuit Tracks on midi channel 10 and I cannot make each of the 4 drum tracks on separate midi channels. By breaking it down into separate notes, I was able to sequence each element separately. Using midi>cv module will make everything I play on one of the drum tracks merge into another.
So I have to use the midi>gate module. Gate to trigger would provide me with a module from CountModula, but from what scope shows me, the problem is already in midi>gate module.
Are there any working alternatives to the VCV’s native midi>gate?
Or maybe there are some other workarounds?