VCV Drum machine


Using HH closed and HH Opened. I would like to mute closed HH when opened HH is triggered.

Using the two modules VCV C-HAT and VCV O-HAT, that works perfectly with a cable from HHo’s triggerto the HHo’s Mute input. With VCV Drum machine, I can’t do the same thing.

What did I missed? Thanks. Alain

VCV Drum.vcv (3.2 KB)

I’m going from memory here, so I may be wrong, but I believe the hats are always mutually exclusive in the drum machine module. Give it a try.

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So this is why there is a short line between both on the front panel!?

But try my patch if you have time, when I have both triggers, we don’t hear the HHo. Strange…

Thanks anyway for your quick message! Alain

I don’t have the VCV Drums, so unfortunately can’t test your patch.

However, as a workaround, there is a great thread on choking audio signals here.

Two methods used in there involve drummer4 (Sickozell) and Percall (Befaco), respectively.

I recreated the patch comparing the two modules and was pleased how well they work.

Scopes visualize the choking.

As choking happens at the audio level, you should be able to choke your hihats even in cases where there is no choke function built into the hat modules, and also for choking other sounds.

2024-12-20_Choking hihats with drummer4 or Percall.vcv (2.9 KB)


I just ran some experiments to confirm my memory. To get the Drum Machine behavior with the independent HHo and HHc, patch the HHo trig to the HHc mute, and the HHc trig to the HHo mute. So they become mutually exclusive - the HHc mutes the HHo, and the HHo mutes the HHc.

The only odd behavior is when a trigger arrives at both at the exact same time - you get a click, and then both are muted. This happens with both the drum machine and the independent modules.


Maybe a module to delay the trigger for the HH that should be muted would help?

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Thank you for your test!

Same behavior here except about that:

With the independant modules, that works for me. So I don’t have the same behavior.

I updated my test: VCV Drum V2.vcv (3.2 KB)

Thank you! Alain

Thank you four your idea, but I’m working on videos about these Drum modules from VCV. So I need to understand deeply how they work :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Interesting patch. Thank you! Alain

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Correct, because your Open Hat is not muting the Closed Hat. So the independent modules do provide more flexibility. But when each mutes the other, then indeed it gives the same behavior as the Drum Machine.

Here is a patch that demonstrates equivalent behavior.

VCV Drum Machine vs Independent High Hat Modules.vcv (3.5 KB)

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Thank you very much for this very detailed patch. :pray: I also discovered some very interesting ideas!

Happy hollidays all arrond the world to all! Alain, France.

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