VCV 3-minute challenge Ep.3: Moon Rendezvous

Wow, you even included a hud display from the alien ship. I like the music too. It’s nice and relaxing. They must be peaceful aliens visiting the moon^^.

This is my little attempt at the VCV 3-minute challenge Ep.3: Moon Rendezvous: I really like the moon topic. My attempt didn’t work out so well. Also, the patch is unfortunately overcrowded with CPU intensive modules, but I’m releasing it now anyway^^.

Here is a little explanation about the patch and the performance steps.

  1. The first 3 mixer controls are for the drone sound at the beginning and at the end. They are turned up one after the other in the first scene. For the sound at mixer 2, I recorded the sound from mixer 1 with the Complex Simpler and played it backwards. When recording, the red cable was not connected to hold, but with voct in Supercell.
  2. Next, the sound that sounds like a flute with piano was turned up with mixer control 6, then mixer controls 1, 3 and 2 were slowly turned down.
  3. The bell sound at mixer control 7 is turned up and I play a little with the timbre cv of the macro oscillator 2. By turning it to the left the wow wow sound is created.
  4. The release control of the ADSR (piano flute) is turned down, then the noise control of the wave module is turned up and finally the cable to the adsr gate is removed. This creates a short reverberating noise.
  5. Mixer group 3 is turned down so that only the delay sound of the bell can be heard and mixer control 5 is turned up. This is supposed to be a kind of singing alien. I got the idea from Omri’s last stream :). I used an old voice recording of mine for this, where I’m talking about Mars, but you can’t understand any of the text anyway^^.
  6. Mixer control 4 (plucks) is turned up and the singing alien and all other sounds are turned down with group control 2 in the mixer.
  7. Next, the drone sounds 1,2 and 3 are briefly turned up again, the singing alien is faded out and finally all sounds are faded out.

I can’t explain very well. I hope you can imagine it more or less. I will put my voice recording in the zip file, but I can’t add the recording for mixer channel 2 because of the file size limit for uploads. But I think you can record it yourself. Simply change the red cable of the first supercell to voct and press the record button of the first complex simpler, after 10-20 sec press it again.


Yes, I had wanted to do a Lights Off: fully off video for a while and then I enjoyed a game recently in which you play as an AI on a more or less present day space station and you interact with everything through cameras and computer screens and the visuals of it are gorgeous aaand one thing led to the other :slight_smile:

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These sounds make me think of documentaries where gigantic cave systems are shown. That somehow also fits well with the moon. It is assumed that early volcanic activity on the moon also led to the formation of caves. These are supposed to serve as protection against radiation for future moon stations. Maybe someone will figure it out someday. :slight_smile:

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Very nice!!! :+1: … great drones at beginning and end … the voice at 1:20 could also be interpreted as the commander’s last recommendations before the hyperspace jump …

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What a great plot for a SiFi-novel.


And here is my attempt at the VCV 3 minute challenge episode 3 - moon rendezvous.

The video has the aliens rounding the moon tottering about in their spaceship getting ready for the final leg, just before they accelerate towards the hyperspace jump point on the far side of the moon.

The patch is totally generative, gates and triggers are generated by a Caudal source of randomness set to planetary motion which in turn feed into comparators and for the shorter note sequences some additional LFO’s and clock dividers. I control it with aid of some tact controls that feed the mixer, but other than the mix there is no control over what sound plays when.

No fancy audio reactive patching in touch designer for this video as well.


Very nice!!! :+1: … a little bit of suspence, but ordinary procedures in the control room …

I’ve had this running about 2 hours now while I work - not bored yet :slight_smile:

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I love these challenges! This is the first time I’ve used samples. They were taken from the Apollo 10 mission, which was the mission right before the actual moon landing. The astronauts heard some weird “music” while in orbit around the dark side of the moon. Here’s a link to the full audio if you’re curious.

And coincidentally the Apollo 10 mission was launched on this date in 1969. I hope you enjoy my interpretation of this moon rendezvous.

If you care to take a look at the patch and play with it, I’ve included the samples as well as instructions on where to load them.

Have fun! Thanks for the challenge!



Field recordings on the bridge of a Krell ship, nice!

Awesome! :+1: … when reality ends up being more compelling and mysterious than fiction!

Also thanks for the informative link (the original recording can also be found here Apollo 10 : John Stoll : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive , the file is 10-030702_5-OF-6 at around minute 43).

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Not got a video, I downloaded the AVI but not sure how to link the audio with it. So here’s a Walkman cassette left by the Martins whilst they were waiting for the rendezvous with the strange sound source emitter.

Dark side of the moon -Walkman by Adrian Bottomley | Free Listening on SoundCloud

Made using ideas from Artem Leonov-Supercharging your VCF tutorial

Dark side of the Moon Walkman | Patchstorage


Nice!!! :+1: … nothing to say here … sweet music for the aliens … but also for those who think of cables and knobs instead of notes (and also for those who have listened to enough jazz :smile: )

Yes wild jazz for Martians----- Niiiiceee Niiiccee Jazz

Ok, here is my attempt to score this lunar video with a generative patch. My melody is being generated by sampling a square wave after it passes through a Low Pass filter.


Very nice!!! :+1: … nice coordination of the 4 elements (generative blips, alien “voice”, drum and bass) … is the speed-up tempo at 1:57 intentional?

Thank you! Yes the tempo gets more and more glitchy along the length of the video as I have a slow envelope adding some wonkiness to my clocking LFO via its FM input.

I think you meant Jacub Ciupinski’s - he created that video. Artem (VCVRackIdeas) did leave the comment about a Three Sisters emulation, but I recognize Jacub’s design in your patch.

I was also intrigued by the recursive resonant filter techinque that Jacub shows, and used it in a patch for vcv challenge #65. Afterwards I saw this challenge and thought the technique, if not my same patch, could work well for this challenge.

My apologies it was Jakub Ciupinski’s tutorial. Really was supposed how much more you get out of any filter using this method.