=== vcp challenge #56: reimagining dervish d ===

Got stuck in recreating the “blues” part of the track, just so there is one more entry ( no video ), here is my patch :

Vangelis D - 20122020-2.vcv (168.2 KB)

Load in VCV ( choose the right audio driver) an press spacebar.

Have fun.

Not been picky but was there some audio u made with this patch? The patch will sound different for everyone on the different operating systems [maybe]. Anyways I’ll open the patch and see what sounds I can produce. Do you have a Soundcloud account, that’s the way I present audio for my patches on VCV Rack Patch Storage.

No I did not use any samples, as long as you got the modules I used installed, it will sound the same :smiley:

I would have a word with Ablaut about the lack of audio. I’m sure he stated we had to provide audio as well. For example, I have just opened the patch with DirectSound and it didn’t sound pleasant so I changed to Wasapi driver and it sounded great. Strange things seem to happen sometimes.

Thanks for trying, yes WASAPI is my weapon of choice too. And I think I have about 3 minutes left of my free soundcloud account. But I’m not gonna use that for this. :wink: I don’t want to spend any more time with this patch, because I feel rushed to get it done by 11012021 or 01112021 ( depending on your ddmmyyyy or mmddyyyy), but I think I will finish it some day.

That’s ok Yeager, I have created a number of different variations of my submission but rushed the final 2 patches and audio out last night. Your patch does sound good though!

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I said I would tell people when I’m streaming my VCP-56 patch and I’m doing it now here: twitch.tv/dag2099.

I’ll record it properly later and post it then. Thx.

edit: stream over. Finished some technical details off stream. Will post later. Can’t stay long, attacked by ravens.

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While working on my patent pending “Squink-Tone Synth-Organ” I stumbled on a vaguely Vangelis/Blade Runner patch. maybe good for a low budget sci-fi end credits scroll. Everything is auto-generated. I put a quick 2 minute clip on YouTube.

So I’m going to throw this on the pile too. It’s closer to Vangelis than my other 2 entries.


So what have you done to those poor ravens to provoke the attack. Cause and effect! The track does sound Vangelis ish and Middle Eastern, maybe needs regularising, it did seem a bit random, not that random isn’t good. You are far more experienced at using the Rack, so maybe take no notice of the noobie!? :> :grin: :stuck_out_tongue:

The randomness comes from the idea of trying to make a quantizer that allows you to set all the notes by cv.

Oh hi! Here it is:

vcp-56 5.vcv (1.2 MB)

I didn’t engage with this challenge at all, partially because I was distracted by Psychedelic December and partially because I’m not a huge Vangelis fan. I would really have liked to have learnt more about Sufi music and stuff but in the end I settled for a Sufi inspired rhythm with a more experimental tonal system. I was trying to decide which quantizer would give me the best “asian” flavour when it occured to me that being able to set each note value in the quantizer (lets say there are 8) with cv would be interesting. It’s something that I’ve thought about before but I don’t remember being able to actually do it. If you need more details about how the patch works ask and I shall explain.

I also want to say that I’m glad to have VCP back, at least partially because it forces me to actually finish stuff. Thanks.

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you are welcome! and thanks everyone for participating!