Two new VCOs from SquinkyLabs

Not too many surprises in this one. It has a certain “similarity” to the FM OP, one could say. But there are probably aspects of the wave forms and the shape modulation that reading would probably help.

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Actually I’d allowed myself to become confused. It’s the other new module that I hadn’t understood.

oh, ok. That one is confusing :wink:

These are great additions!

Does Kitchen Sink do through zero linear FM?

It certainly does! That’s what the input called LFM does. Actually, to be 100% honest, it uses through zero linear phase modulation, which most people call “FM”. There is a brief section on the manual about this called " A pedantic note about FM vs. PM", Here’s a link if you are interested:



Always great to see VCOs that are brand new in VCV’s arsenal :wink: Substitute made me curious about the Subharmonicon and a little puzzled: @Squinky, doesn’t the Subharmonicon has one pitch information for each VCO (i.e. 2 V/oct inputs)? I’m asking you because Substitute only has one pitch CV which drives both main voices, as far as I understand from your manual. Did I miss something? Thank you again!

EDIT : I think I’m completely wrong here. They are 2 different seq but the sound is the same from both (made from the 6 osc)

You missed something :wink: just merge two v/oct into one poly and the resulting out will be 2 different outs. Bruce will explain it better in the next post :rofl:

EDIT 2 thanks Lexander, now it works : :blush:


This works if you send two different polycables to the Vol inputs of each oscillator; one should have 10V on channel 1 and 0V on channel 2, while the other should have 0V on ch1 and 10V on ch2. This way you can turn off osc 2 on ch1 of the output, and turn off osc 1 on ch2 of the output.

On the Subharmonicon, the V/Oct for oscillator 1 is normalled to oscillator 2. So Substitute isn’t inaccurate in this sense, it’s just missing a jack.


Yeah, I’ll be the first to admit it doesn’t have every feature that the moog has. I think in most cases where you want to have two independent sides it’s pretty easy to just use two separate instances? And of course the poly methods work, too.


I like them! I won’t embarrass myself by talking about them in technical terms, but here follows a gratuitous vid of 4 minutes of noisy wild knob turning, feat. the two new oscillators.


haha - This sounds really cool! And thanks for playing with the new modules. Squinky Labs approves this message.

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Excellent explanation, thank you! I previously tried the poly cable in pitch CV but didn’t quite get it! Thanks for your explanation!

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What is that psi op module ? I can’t find it in the library. Also your drummer is probably addicted to meth, maybe it’s time for an intervention. Also also, bouncing wires are hilarious.

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Psi Op :

And for @Aria_Salvatrice a question, what is this module ?

Mog Noise, beta branch only, manual build required

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Now kids! Follow the dancing cables. :wink: