Tiny VCV Rack patches


Perfect! :slight_smile:

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Number 46. White…

If you like my videos, please subscribe to my channel and inspire me for next tiny patches. Thank you!


Number 47. New era…

If you like my videos, please subscribe to my channel and inspire me for next tiny patches. Thank you!


I could not figure out how that worked until I downloaded the patch and inspected it more closely. Then I saw that you plugged RANDOM’s STEP output into its own SHAPE input.

Genius. :+1:t3:


Thank you John. I sacrificed little bit a visibility of patch cables to the new design of video :slight_smile: . But yes, the best way is to download the patch and inspect it and if you want tweak and remake. Have a nice day! tp

These are awesome, and I still have so much to go through haha. Great concept too btw, definately inspiring. I often like to imagine what modules I’d put in a tiny/minimalist eurorack box to play around with, and this is hitting the same buttons for me^^ Definately gonna try that too. These little challenges you can put on yourself can be so fun and can lead you to places you wouldn’t have gone before.

Also, my dying CPU loves your patches :smiley:

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Exactly! Thank you for your words!

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Number 48. Leaf…

If you like my videos, please subscribe to my channel and inspire me for next tiny patches. Thank you!


Love playing around with that VCA amount, very nicely put together mate.

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Thank you @Edd!

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Number 49. Pattern…

If you like my videos, please subscribe to my channel and inspire me for next tiny patches. Thank you!


Number 50. Tiny VCV Rack patches meet Midilar…

If you like my videos, please subscribe to my channel and inspire me for next tiny patches. Thank you!


:five: :zero: :bangbang:
:champagne: :clinking_glasses: :+1:

Thank you Stephan. Tiny celebration with Midilar controller. :slightly_smiling_face:


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Number 51. Cinematic…

If you like my videos, please subscribe to my channel and inspire me for next tiny patches. Thank you!


Number 52. Clear…

If you like my videos, please subscribe to my channel and inspire me for next tiny patches. Thank you!


Yeah, nice one! Very Caterina Barbieri which is a good thing. This actually sounds like the opening to a longer piece which might be really interesting to persue, in a bigger patch of course. Very nice, small patch!

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Thank you Lars! You hit it, once again I was inspired by her work :slight_smile: I had the same feeling while creating this patch, that it could be nice to extend it to a longer and larger piece. Cheers.

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