John's "Gold Star for Documentation" Awards

Long overdue, I think. Gold Star to…

:star2: Bogaudio :star2:

This started out with me viewing Tiny VCV Rack patches - #121 by tinyvcvpatches

I saw that there was a dual Sample & Hold module in the patch but, apparently, not sampling anything, since there was nothing plugged into then Inputs. So, I downloaded the patch to inspect it more carefully, and it still made no sense. I finally decided to RTFM and – lo and behold – for that module it clearly says:

If nothing is connected to an IN port, sampling for that channel is normalled to an internal white noise source with range 0-10V. Alternative options for the normal source noise type and range are available on the context (right-click) menu. The normal source selection applies to both channels.

It all made sense now.