Tiny Tricks: Request for feedback

I see. I am able to recreate the problem here, and might have an idea of why it’s happening. Will get it out with the next update (which should also include dark themes plus triggers for mirror and capture on the oscillators).

A follow-up question: What is the reason you’re using an oscillator as the trigger? The way I’ve though of the module was to have it triggered at a slower rate - like with a clock or similar.

It would give me the wrong result faster :wink: and I thought it was a nice touch to use only your modules.

An update on a dark theme: I’m currently focusing on this and making progress. I’ve found an approach that actually allows me to quickly implement several color themes. So if anyone have their own proposal they want to contribute I’m glad to include it.

Thanks @funkybot for the pointers - very helpful! :+1:

Interesting turn it took with the discussion about visual impairments by the way :slight_smile:


Regarding polyphony: To be honest, I don’t think I am going to implement this myself. Sorry @dag2099 @ravnrevheim and @OhWell :slight_smile:

However if anyone want to join in in the project and take that on I would most definitely welcome it. That goes for any changes actually. I have no special desire to keep this a project just for me.

hehe, ok then. :+1:

Hi Thomas,
I still like the my proposal for a darker theme, so if you could implement it, that would be great. Do you need anything more beside the picture?

Hi all!

I just pushed v1.4.1 to the Github repository and requested it to be updated in the VCV Rack Plugin Library which will hopefully happen soon and without issues.

Changes in this release:

  • The changes in this release is based on community feedback. A huge thanks to all who pitched in!
  • Added: Dark themes. Right click module to access them.
  • Changed: Some design details in a bunch of modules.
  • Changed: Simplex Oscillator (SN-OSC) now has a trigger input for the waveform mirroring.
  • Changed: Wavetable Oscillator (WAVE) now has a trigger input for the waveform mirroring plus capturing (this is quite resource intensive).
  • Changed: Added option to turn off scope in Wavetable Oscillator. Useful for improving the UI performance until scope code is improved.
  • Changed: Very slight cosmetic request (#12).
  • Fixed: Modulation Generators (MG1, MG8, MG16) now keeps values within 0-10 when set to UNI.

I’ll let you know once it’s available in the Plugin Library.


In cause you’re curious - here’s the themes currently included. It’s quite easy to add additional ones, so feel free to suggest new ones or changes to these.

Eventually I’ll look into having the option of reducing the brightness of the inputs.


I don’t have hive (although I hear it is super) but I don’t see why it couldn’t. Took me an afternoon to make it so surge could load serum wavetables once I had a portable wav loader with all the riff chunks available. In the surge team we collected a bunch of wav from various sample synths to test and then members of the team who own the products did more extensive loads.

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Hi, love your modules neat design and very immediate. Thanks for making them. Cheers!

A small requests: Can we get a CV in to trigger the Capture of your wavetable? One can still automate Capture with one of Stoermelders modules but it’s inconvenient. :smile:

Your detuned square and saw are interesting, the simplex oscillator even more so. I noticed that you pops and clicks if you automate more than one or two parameters at once, even if all inputs are smooth functions.

Yes you can :wink:

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@7177 You sure can as @Yeager also notes. It’s already developed and is just waiting to be reviewed and updated in the Plugin Library. :slight_smile:

Could you screenshot your setup? I haven’t noticed this myself.

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I just pushed version 1.4.2 to the repository - including:

  • Added: Dark ports for dark themes.
  • Added: Option to force light ports on dark themes.
  • Added: Placeholder waveforms added to WAVE and SN-OSC for when displayed in module browser.
  • Added: Help text to WAVE when no wavetable loaded or captured.
  • Changed: License from MIT to GPLv3
  • Fixed: Readjusted scope height in Simplex Oscillator.
  • Behind the scenes: Added automatic screenshot generation.

Version 1.4.1 haven’t been updated in the plugin library yet, so don’t know if that one will come out before this, or they will come out combined.


Ok, 1.4.1 actually just came out this minute. Weird occurrence in timing :slight_smile:

Quick update: 1.4.2 is out now.

Also @baconpaul are implementing polyphony which should be out soon :slight_smile:

After that I’ll take a shot at a noise generation module with a bunch of controls.


Just got around to playing with a few of the modules and wanted to say that the skins are really nice! I haven’t delved in to many of the modules yet but there are immediately a few that would be useful often.


Hi all

Version 1.5.0 is now out. The changes are:

  • Added: Random Wrangler (RW)
  • Added: Polyphony to simple oscillators (SIN, SAW, SQR, TRI), plus oscillators (SIN+, SAW+, SQR+, TRI+), Simplex Oscillator (SN-OSC), Wavetable Oscillator (WAVE), TT-A and TT-L. Huge thanks to @baconpaul for contributing with this!
  • Behind the scenes: Refactored WAVE for performance improvements.
  • Behind the scenes: Improved screenshot generation

With this I think most of your ideas and requests have been addressed (except wavetable import and export in WAVE - which I might look at at a later time), so let’s leave this post for now :slight_smile:

Thank you all so much for your feedback! It’s really been fun working on these things and it’s super rewarding seeing it being used out in the wild.

If new ideas or requests come up, do not hesitate to reach out. Either create a new post here, tagging me, or create an issue at the Github page: https://github.com/thomassidor/tinytricks

All the best, Thomas


As an eternal newbie at programming I peek a lot in your code to get a feeling for the whole thing Rack et al. Very readable. Thanks!

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As small a thing as this seems, putting effort into documenting and describing one’s software is so important and huge. So, thank you!

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I love it. ((:

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