Thom's patches... Evoluted melody

Hi again,

this an experiment to find more different waves. The first part is a sequencer (PGMR, PGMRX) pulsed by an vco at audio frequence range. The output wave shape looks like a weird stairway. The form is controlled by the animated knobs in the sequencer. This alone creates a vast variety of waves. But not enough. The signal runs then through the Matrix88 bottom left, that controls the modulation of the 2 vco’s. The sequencer and the matrix is modulated by a bunch of Caudals(Random wave generator). To control it manually just delete the CV-Map module and the MX88CV module. So i wish you fun with that :slight_smile:

Idea based on this video about Buchla synth technics.

Patch: 96KnobsModulated.vcv (53.6 KB)


Hi again,

it’s my first rhythm based piece of music i ever made. It sounds to me like 2 over coffeinated monkeys having a drum session. :monkey: :monkey:

Download patch and listen here: Enjoy :slight_smile:

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that is cool.

Thank you Squinky, now i know i’m not that wrong :sweat_smile:

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Long time no go and I’m here again :slight_smile:

The idea to this patch i got from Lars He uses the Evolution Module from ML Modules to alter a sequence. The result is a melody sounding harmonic. For me it is a big step forward to understand music better :star_struck: Patch: Evolution.vcv (3.9 KB)

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