Linked is my first attempt at a generative patch using VCV rack. It has been visualised using Magic Music Visuals.
Welcome to VCV Rack.
What reverb are you using? Really like the echoey bass, a delay on that, which module doing that? Really like the overall feel/atmosphere of this! Is it possible to have a look at the patch? Much appreciated.
Thanks for the comment. I think what you are hearing is the effect of Chronoblob on the Percussive Vibration module. That part of the patch is based on what Omri Cohen describes in this video,
The whole patch is shown below.
My latest attempt to create something in VCV rack. A sequenced/generative patch used to create an ambient soundscape. Visuals create using DaVinci remove and magic Music Visuals.
Details of the patch are below.
Linked below is my latest VCV track, an attempt at a synth jam.
The video has been created using Magic Music Visuals and DaVinci Resolve.
The patch used is shown below.
Why shouldn’t a disembodied brain be travelling trough space?
The plan was to record an EDM track in VCV Rack, using the patch shown below, it ended up sounding more space rock so guitars and bass were added in Garageband. Some partially developed space video ideas, from projects that had never been completed, were developed further to create the video. This was done using Spacescape, Blender, Magic Music Visuals and DaVinci Resolve.
I’ve use the patch shown below to created a Berlin school style baking track for the linked photography video.
Here is another photography video, backed by a track created in VCV Rack.
The track was created using the VCV Rack patch shown below, then mixed and mastered in GarageBand.
The backing track for the linked video was made using the VCV patch shown below. The multitrack output for VCV rack was mixed in GarageBand and the camera effects added in DaVinci resolve.
Excellent. I follow a YouTube channel called VCV Photography, based in the US I think. You’re obviously not the only person with this combination of interests!
Great pictures of Loch Lomond by the way, I live near Edinburgh but don’t get up the hills as much as I’d like because work, kids etc, but I do find that scenery really inspiring.
Thanks for the comment. I don’t get up the hills as much as I would like to either. If you were referring to the pictures on this video there are none of Loch Lomond, there are some from Largs and the Port Glasgow/Greenock area. There are Loch Lomond photos on other videos and on my Flickr account. I’ll check out that Youtube channel, thanks for the tip.
This one is not strictly VCV rack, but I did use the CardinalSynth plugin to make bell type synth sound for one of the voices used in the backing track for the attached video.
Linked is a video of the visualisation of a LoFi Glitch track created in VCV. The track uses 4 sequenced voices with some randomisation added. Final mix of the audio was done in GarageBand. The video was created using Magic Music Visuals.
My latest tune created using VCV rack. The visuals are created using Magic Music Visuals. Everything is in Patchstorage.
Every now and then I come across a track on this forum that I’ll keep coming back to and this is definitely one of them. The artwork here is phenomenal, both music and photos. Well done!!! It has a beautiful nostalgic vibe to it.