Surge XT

That adds extra oversampling internally I’ve written a little tester module this week so i can find unlabeled params. I will fix that indeed!


Anyway I wrote a little module to find unlabeled params and outputs and ran it across the entire suite today so fixed this and a few other places also where labels were missing.

getting close to the end of the beta. Just a few open issues left! Really appreciate this outpouring of feedback from everyone - it’s been key to getting these details correct.


Hi folks, relatively new user here (been using VCV for about a year but never got into forums etc, so hi everyone!) Question regarding wavetables: Steve, saw your reply about wavetables, i was wondering if you have any tips for finding freeware wavetables? I have a modest collection from a couple of soft synths/eurorack modules (and some i made) but if there is some public library of wavetables i would love to visit there. :slight_smile: Sorry if this is off topic; i would like to find more wavetables to use with the Surge wavetable osc.

By the by, Surge team: fantastic job on the UI! Love it. :clap:


You’ll find plenty here - I’m sure others can chime in with some links:

1340 Wavetables – Reddit Collection


Ah thanks so much!


The adventure kid waveforms have some odd frame size like 650 or something and surge requires a power of 2 sized frame. Someone resampled them as surge wt forever ago and you can grab them Additional content · surge-synthesizer/ Wiki · GitHub


Some more feedback, if it’s still wanted.

The Wavetable VCO (cont)

  • Probably my new goto WT VCO
  • Excellent sound quality, unity modes makes fantastic sounds.
  • Reasonable CPU consumption
  • I only wish the WT selection was a lot more curated
  • The WT loading with latest updates work great
  • Formant is great!
  • H-skew has a lot of overlap with formant
  • V-skew does very little, doubt I’ll ever use it, a bit confused by it.
  • I would love to have LO/HI-cut on this VCO instead of the skews
  • I would rename the RESET input to TRIGGER, aligns better with user expectations.

The Window VCO

  • A duplicate of the WT VCO that does something different with that window (?) menu
  • And uses less CPU!
  • With LO/HI-cut, excellent!
  • Doesn’t have quite the richnes of the waves as WT VCO, but sounds different.
  • Interesting, don’t quite know what to make of it
  • The morph knob introduces DC even with the DC blocker on

The S&H Noise VCO

  • Very useful to have the filters on it
  • Quite a bit of DC output in spite of the blocker
  • Good for producing and modulating different characters of noise, also particle noise.
  • Most interesting in unison modes

The Filter

  • A large selection of different models, almost all sound great
  • Although some of them quite similar
  • Some interesting distortion filters in there
  • The comb is great!
  • Low CPU consumption in most models, nice.
  • Selected filter model is not ticked off in the selection menu, a bug I think.
  • Produces DC offset in many settings
  • An overload indicator would be great
  • Could easily become my standard, goto filter!

The LFO x EG

  • Cool LFO x EG mode
  • The noise and S&H modes seems to have their amplitude amputated, or I’m (probably) not understanding them.
  • Would have loved a knob for Lin->Exp envelope curve/slope control
  • I have the feeling I’m not quite “getting” this module

Reverb 1

  • Low CPU usage, nice!
  • It’s nice, but not in the league of Plateau.
  • There’s a modulation of the tail that I’m not fond of

Reverb 2

  • Uses a lot more CPU, and sounds a lot nicer, much more to my tastes.
  • Its output level seems mostly on the low side
  • I really like the sound of this reverb, it rivals Plateau.
  • The presets are good
  • Very flexible, wide range of sounds.
  • This one is a winner for me!
  • Could become my default reverb, over Plateau (OMG!)

Spring reverb

  • Yeah, I’m not a fan of spring reverbs, so…
  • Uses a lot of CPU

Thanks Lars! appreciate the feedback as always.

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:flushed: Well, that’s just smurfin’ great. I cannot reproduce the issue, not even in the unmodified patch I thought I found it with.

I’m thinking it’s some kind of a Fused-state Heisenbug. Once it disappears upon inspection, it can no longer be made to manifest under any condition. :grinning:

So . . . no problem. :+1:


Lars: Great feedback as always

some responses:

Window and WT are both part of this history of surge, with two different implementations of wavetables. They are indeed very different algorithms and have different controls, modifications, and sources. Most users don’t use window that much, preferring WT, but there’s some real charm in window if you play with the window convolution function (the square/triangle/etc…). This is covered in the Surge XT VST manual which is linked from the module manual. And yes, content curation in Surge is something we want to revisit one day - there’s lots of tables. On and V-Skew is kinda like a saturator.

The Lo/Hi cut on WT is an interesting idea; we have 7 params per oscillator in surge so could add the cuts to other places but not there, and our first release is trying to be exactly surge, but i’ll think about if the rack module could have some switchable way to do it, or perhaps if i write the generic vco voice expander we could put it there for any VCO.

Taming DC on the S&H noise will be a challenge. I wonder if I make my filter a bit more aggressive for that module it will help. I’ll take a look. And yeah tuned unison noise is interesting.

I’m glad you like the filter. All the models are 4-way SIMD and have loads of clever optimizations, but some - especially the vintage ladder models - are indeed CPU heavy. The reason there’s a lot of dup is because, again, surge originally just had 8 models and when we added the other 40, we didn’t remove the old ones. So “Legacy Ladder” is there mostly for compatibility reasons at this point, considering we have vintage ladder (unless you are CPU bound). I’ll add the overload and DC investigation as post-1.0 issues and have added the filter checkmark as a pre-1.0. And yeah I use the comb all the time.

LFOEG: This is a direct translation of the surge LFOxEG which makes a whole bunch of sense in an instrument setting. i think it will take us a while to understand it in the modular setting. On the noise modes, decrease the rate or change the initial phase and you’ll see the signal mode clearly.

R1 vs R2; R1 was the original surge reverb and R2 was a mostly-but-not-completely implemeted dattoro network Claes had started when he open sourced the synth. We finished up R2 as part of, I think the 1.8 release. R2 is really quite nice yeah. R1 is very digital and I think people who use it use it with very short tails and tight reverbs. And if you don’t like spring reverbs, you won’t like the spring reverb indeed :slight_smile: It and ensemble are both effects jatin contributed with really quite advanced models of a spring (in the reverb case) and of a real BBD circuit (in ensemble) which give them very distinctive sounds but also make them our highest CPU effects.

Anyway all great feedback. Keep it coming. I’ll transfer the changes and investigations into GitHub issues for future releases.


Finally got around to try these modules. Wow, they are amazing! The Mod controls are genius, and hoping others adopt this approach as well.


this would be very welcome :+1:

If you’re serious about it and want to take the input - I’m a bit of a “librarian type”, so if I think it’s not a waste of time I might do the painstaking work of going through each one of the waves, and give comments and recommendations to a curation. Just let me know. It’s a bit of a project so won’t be done tomorrow, and anyway I’m the slow and meticulous type :slight_smile:

Ok, I just think it does very little.

I guess I’m arguing to simply replace V/H-skew with LO/HI-cut on the WT, as I think they would be much more effective and pertinent in that module. But I totally understand if you don’t want to do that. A switch between the two would work as well.

I’ll write on #614

Right, if I increase the Rate enough I can hit the amplitude of the envelope:


Otherwise the amplitude is way lower:


Guess I’m just scratching my head over how to make those modes useful for anything.

Makes sense.

I know, the logic is excruciating :laughing:

:+1: Thanks Paul. Then I’ll try and finish my testing.

I think so as well. I can see how they’re not as beginner friendly as simply 1:1 mod knobs. But in return you get mod mixing and really economic and flexible use of panel space. I really like it, but would probably not recommend it to a beginner starting out with modulation. But maybe that’s just habitual, don’t know…

I was thinking it would be cool if the LFO supported wavetables? Also, will be there be a surge stereo VCA? I know I could use another module from the library, but it would be neat having something for a unified look.

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So the mixer can act as a vca today so in 1.0 the answer is “yes it is the mixer”

But we talked about it and one of the future releases will have a few things folks have asked for like vcas and some others - look at the GitHub issues for what our planned future work is. Right now top priority is to fix the last couple of bugs whcih I need before library submission next week


1: with an envelope adjust the phase to get a better initial random value 2: without an envelope they are deformable modulatable temposync noise sources. Use them to make the opening or Karn-evil number 9 by sending a square wave into the obxd filter with the noise source on the cutoff.

But this does make me think. How do people with big collections of modules distribute pedagogical patches?

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I see, need to play with that…

Tough question. I think often the answer would be that nothing beats video. It somehow allows you to get the point in an organic way, so even the things not demonstrated start to make sense. There’s something about that human-to-human transmission that allows you to infer things much more easily, which I think is the goal, because demonstrating/documenting each and every permutation is nigh impossible. But I know video is a lot of work as well.

yeah right. maybe one of us should just do a live stream where we patch random stuff and read the comments as we go and then make that available forever. video is a lot of work though.

Anyway here’s a little patch. You may need to hit reset on clocked once to make it run in sync

NoiseLFO.vcv (5.6 KB)

also writing that patch made me find a bug (which i worked around in that patch) but is now issue #618 for me to fix before the first release!


If it’s a total beginner to electronic music production then yes, I’d agree with that. Best to learn the basics on more standard modules.

But if it’s someone who has used DAWs and VSTs, but is new to modular, it would be a method that is already familiar to them and could ease the transition.