Surge XT

So the mixer can act as a vca today so in 1.0 the answer is “yes it is the mixer”

But we talked about it and one of the future releases will have a few things folks have asked for like vcas and some others - look at the GitHub issues for what our planned future work is. Right now top priority is to fix the last couple of bugs whcih I need before library submission next week


1: with an envelope adjust the phase to get a better initial random value 2: without an envelope they are deformable modulatable temposync noise sources. Use them to make the opening or Karn-evil number 9 by sending a square wave into the obxd filter with the noise source on the cutoff.

But this does make me think. How do people with big collections of modules distribute pedagogical patches?

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I see, need to play with that…

Tough question. I think often the answer would be that nothing beats video. It somehow allows you to get the point in an organic way, so even the things not demonstrated start to make sense. There’s something about that human-to-human transmission that allows you to infer things much more easily, which I think is the goal, because demonstrating/documenting each and every permutation is nigh impossible. But I know video is a lot of work as well.

yeah right. maybe one of us should just do a live stream where we patch random stuff and read the comments as we go and then make that available forever. video is a lot of work though.

Anyway here’s a little patch. You may need to hit reset on clocked once to make it run in sync

NoiseLFO.vcv (5.6 KB)

also writing that patch made me find a bug (which i worked around in that patch) but is now issue #618 for me to fix before the first release!


If it’s a total beginner to electronic music production then yes, I’d agree with that. Best to learn the basics on more standard modules.

But if it’s someone who has used DAWs and VSTs, but is new to modular, it would be a method that is already familiar to them and could ease the transition.


Oooh two bugs.

The tempo sync works fine on the LFO but the label is “off by one” so if you dial in 16ths you actually get the ‘prior’ one on the label wchih is 1/8th triplets.

I will fix that this weekend.

Glad you pushed me on that module @LarsBjerregaard that would be an embarrassing bug to ship.


Not just a VCA, but this module is planned.


Nice! So you wouldn’t use the LFOxEG outputs with those noise modes?

Makes sense. I was never into DAW’s or VST’s so I wouldn’t know, but your explanation makes sense.

Yeah, it looks nice. I just commented on the issue, and I think with some additions it could be really great and surprisingly unique in Rack. I would use it a lot, for sure.

Thanks - I replied to your issue it Github :slight_smile:

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Also considering a Quad LFO like this to pair with the Mod Matrix module…

It would have 3 different modes:

Mode 1: 4 Independent LFOs (unsynced only)

Mode 2: 4 LFOs that share the same frequency (that of LFO 1) but different phase - 90, 180, 270 degrees by default, but the phase of channels 2-4 can be set freely (LFO 1 can run unsynced or synced)

Mode 3: 4 LFOs where LFOs 2-4 have a frequency that is either a div or mult of the freq of LFO 1. (LFO 1 can run unsynced or synced)


Nice! With a menu option for uni/bi-polar… What would Deform do?

There would be a menu setting for Range - which would include both Unipolar and Bipolar options (+/- 5V, 0-10V etc)

Check out the existing LFOxEG module to see what Deform does (it’s a bit like a waveshaper).

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Awesome! Looking forward to the EG VCAs.

I’d also like to request to Drum Sample VCO, for loading one-shot and drum samples. Kind of like Bidoo Canard, with trig in, sample start/end, envelope controls. That would be a perfect addition to the other modules here.

Great work by everyone involved!

That’s outside of the scope of Surge - all these modules are based on the existing VST.

But you should definitely check out Voxglitch Groovebox if you haven’t already - 8 channels of drum samples with plenty of per step param locks including start/end and attack/release. There’s no trig in per sample but it has a good built-in sequencer.

Or the Lomas Sampler if you just want to do one drum sample channel at a time.

Both are excellent.


I would if I was attached to a midi keyboard and wanted a fading modulation per key or some such

In the surge instrument these lfos exist per voice and also per scene (so independent of voice) and how you use the envelope depends a lot on that intent

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sounds a bit like the LFO in my ancient “chopper”… That was a nice LFO :wink:



Superb idea, the quad lfos and EG/VCA will really complete this collection/ecosystem and fills some small holes in the rack. Surge XT is just about the most exciting addition to rack I have ever seen, many thanks!!


Stupid question here. On some of the reverb presets they have (send) in the name. What does that mean?

The surge instrument allows both inline and send configurations of the fx. So for a few presets we have versions good for send insert vs direct. The xt modules just use the surge instrument presets directly hence the carryover

The difference is like patching inline vs patching on an aux bus. And defacto means “mix is 1” vs “mix is 0.4 or so” depending on the effect

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EDIT: Now with video and patch of bug (1.)

Been playing around with these modules for the past few days. Can’t say enough good things about them.

I’ve got one (potential) bug report and just 2 little feature requests. Other than that, things went very smooth in every patch.

  1. Clocking LFOxEG: I patched a clock (1/4 pulse) and it successfully detected the bpm. However when I select the rate, it’s like it’s off by one increment. Meaning that if I want the LFO to go at quarter notes I have to turn the knob until the label says 1/8th dotted and so on. Unipolar is set to on. I think it comes down to the knob label changing before the actual waveform display changes. Let me see if I can attach a patch + video.

Surge_LFOxEG-Rate_Bug.vcv (2.7 KB)

  1. Feature: The „distortion“ module needs a mix knob. Even if it’s just in the right click menu. Of course I can patch a send and return module before every instance, or patch an aux with mixmaster. But I really want to parallel saturate/distort various different sounds in my patch because that module is simply gorgeous at that. Seriously, it can give you guitar amp like distortion when paired with an IR Reverb of a cabinet. :heart: I know the UI is quite packed, but I think a mix knob could fit in there.

  2. Feature: for every module with a mix knob, could we get a right click menu setting to „freeze“ the mix knob. Valhalla does this on their reverbs and it’s a blessing when changing presets / reverb algorithms.

That’s all from me. :grin:Thanks again for giving us these awesome tools for free and for listening to all the feedback.

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