Surge XT 2.2 - Want to help Beta Test?

Amazing and thanks. Packaged it up and submitted to library as Should be in the next set of sweeps when andrew and team do the library next.

Really appreciate the pre-test here. Thanks!


baconpaul: bigups and thanks for all the work and art!:slight_smile: fantastic pack. one issue hereā€¦ on mac. I canā€™t see Bonsai and Nimbus in vcv2 browserā€¦ I even deleted previous but still I canā€™t see them. any idea ? I have installed from Github. thnx

Oh itā€™s probably the whitelist thing with the library - How to get rid of whitelist for plugin

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Oh yeah the CXOR is working great thanks for working that out so quick.

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And I guess being a newb, I would love an idea what each selection in the CXOR does with the signals. I am familiar with ring modulation, but unsure what else is going on. Thanks

This is the thing we struggled with the most for sure

Basically each is a different combination of max multiply and mask in various parts of the quadrants and we had super technical names for them (like pm-mx-neg-r7 and stuff) which didnā€™t help so we kinda ended up deciding to just make each of them have a generic ā€˜type 1ā€™ name and encourage folks to just pick em and listen.

put in a couple of waves with some harmonic content and either exactly in tune, a little out, or like some harmonic interval out, and just scroll through them.

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Just a heads up

A small number of windows 10 users see a rack crash if they run rack with surge 218 and install the 130 vst.

This can be fixed by running the 123 vst or the 221 xt

Since itā€™s fixed when both versions run we donā€™t have anything to fix but wanted to share a heads up


This is all very exciting. Not a coder but it feels that great work is happening. Iā€™m thankful for such a devoted and skilled community of developers offering powerful tools. Thanks for all the work and thanks for being a part of this community! @baconpaul and testers.


Finished a rough tutorial on this, which is uploading now:

Not sure Iā€™ve explained it particularly well, but Iā€™ll do a separate one on the whole polyphonic effects at some point. Cheers!


Yeah, that sounds great!

Iā€™m amazed your cpu works at 16;poly too!

Cheers @LarsBjerregaard! Just got round to checking out the other modules, the new ring mod is excellent too.

@baconpaul this was on my laptop, which is a 4 year old i7. It makes the fan come on straight away, but other than that it seemed to handle it OK! Obviously if you chain a few poly modules with the max channels it can cause problems, because youā€™re doing the DSP 16 times, but you can still get interesting textures with far fewer channels. I just like to be a maniac and use as many as possible!

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Yeah 16 sounds great though! But Iā€™m sure you could get less fan noise and similar textures with 5 in a mix. Super neat technique with the staggered freezes too

Yep even 3 or 4 channels creates a more interesting texture. 16 is fine for a patch that just does that one effect, but if youā€™re making a whole patch with VCOs, drums etc. then itā€™s going to cause problems unless youā€™re on a very beefy desktop, and itā€™s not really necessary in a mix.

Iā€™m not sure what gave me the idea of using effects polyphonically, I was just thinking about how filters work in a synth voice, if you play 3 notes then effectively VCV makes that into 3 discrete filters. I wondered if we could use rackā€™s poly implementation to run guitar through lots of filters at once without having to separately patch everything, and itā€™s now my favourite technique. It was just filters at first, then I discovered that Vult Rescombe worked too and thereā€™s also PolyDelay. That was it for a while, but now we have almost all of the Surge fx, Airwindows and the VCV Pro fx to abuse polyphonically, and a few more delays too. What a time to be alive :laughing:

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Yeah Iā€™m working on Shortcircuit now (the sampler cousin to surge) and it has a bunch of complex but still fairly light weight polyphonic voice level inserts.

I wonā€™t be able to bring Shortcircuit to rack like i did for surge unless we lift the macOS 10.9 constraint, but I will be able to lift some components so the surge rack package may get some of the bits and bobs which are in sc next year including some interesing poly fx perhaps. We will see