Studio D: Music From The Rack

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Progress is just so cool…


Definitely! The whole Amalgamated Harmonics collection is simply great

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Scratching the surface of Teletype’s potential.


Oh yeah, that’s a nice one Dave, really like it!


NB: The trowaSoft plugin isn’t yet available in the library.

From the YT notes:

Testing a local build of the trowaSoft plugin for VCV Rack v2. VCV Rack controls video parameters in a patch in Pure Data (Pd) via OSC network connectivity. The Pd patch randomly selects a video and performs various operations on it, including RGB blending, transparency, sphere size, and blur factor. VCV Rack provides discrete and continuous values used in those operations.

Enjoy !



Oh yes! Some beautiful sounds, with plenty going on to sound fantastic on its own. Yet lots of space for some flute improv along side it. Is that patch available somewhere? I would love to try it out.

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True fact - @dlphillips has been a composer and musician for a much longer time than VCV has existed! I’m almost certain I met him before Andrew was born. And his VCV music is always very good.


I just read the YT description, and now realize not all the modules are available in the library :frowning:

So the soundtrack creates its own movie! :sunglasses:

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Hey Dave ! I’ll work on a version for you today. :slight_smile:

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Sent a PM with the patch.

Well, kinda sorta. :slight_smile: The source videos are my own creations from various other work but the transformations are all Rack and Pure Data.

Four Ambient Excerpts

First production on my Mac Mini M1. I hope it’s enjoyable, comments are welcome as always.



Very cool, as usual.

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Great to see Studio D back in production Dave :+1::muscle::sunglasses:

I really like Benestabene, would love to hear the full piece!

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The source recording for the fragment of Benestabene is a little more than 30 minutes long. I’m happy to whip up a FLAC or MP3 if you want the whole thing.

The patch for VCV Rack 2 can be found at Benestabene | Patchstorage. It uses only freely available plugins, but not all are available from the official Library. Specifically, it requires the virtual Monome plugin (GitHub - Dewb/monome-rack: VCV Rack plugin for monome Eurorack modules) and a polyphonic version of the Braids Macro Oscillator (a custom build based on code from GitHub - Xenakios/Poly_AudibleInstruments). Alpha-stage releases of the virtual Monome plugin can be found at Releases · Dewb/monome-rack · GitHub. The polyphonic Macro Oscillator can be replaced by multiple instances of the Audible Instruments Macro Oscillator, though you will need to study the original settings and connections for the polyphonic version in the screenshots (see below).

I’ve prepared a brief video of the patch in a fresh performance. The A/V quality isn’t great but you’ll get the idea.

The patch evolved from a test of the Cartesian sequencer in the dBiz plugin. Btw, the sliding guitar part is intended to sound the way the juju bands use the instrument, not so much like a country music or western swing band. Sometimes it sounds neat, sometimes not so much. The patch is externally simple, internally complex, and in performance it never comes out quite the same.

Cabled screenshot:



Nice, really like that one Dave! You have a unique musical fingerprint, by now I think I would recognize a lot of your pieces as being from you.

That would be lovely, thanks Dave!

I really enjoyed track #4

Hey Lars, I made an MP3 for streaming from my ftp site but it didn’t turn very out well. I’ll try again in the morning.