Stoermelder Strip: Eurikon presets

Thanks a lot for this Gift, @Eurikon!!! :pray:
And of course, thanks a lot also to @stoermelder for the module!!! :clap:

Hopefully many more decide to share their strips with us newbies … and who knows, maybe it would be a good idea to dedicate a specialized thread for that sharing.

EDIT1: I like a lot “Eurikon_909-House-Groove-1.vcvss” … Great source for learning!!! … I’m thinking now that little self-contained “strips” like yours, could be used by the Masters to teach VCV Rack techniques, don’t you think?

EDIT2: Definitely, Strips = Great Source for Learning and Inspiration!! (checking the other strips) … You’ve created a GREAT TOOL @stoermelder

p.s.: i just discovered this module today thanks to @PaulPiko’s response in the thread “Copy / paste one or more modules from one patch to another?”