Hello! I’m getting started with PD inside VCV. Not looking for tutorials here, but rather for ideas. What have you done with it? I’m gonna use this post as a collector of ideas and examples. Cheers!
Giovanni, are you talking about PD Array?
Nope. I’m talking about this: Pure Data added to VCV Prototype - Announcements - VCV Community (vcvrack.com)
Ah…in that case, never mind. Thanks!
Guitar effects! I started learning some PD a few weeks ago, with the vague idea of making my own granular processor that I could use in Rack. So far I’ve only made basic delay patches, and not tried loading into Prototype. It’s a long term project but should work in theory. There are a few granular PD patches online which I could use, but most of them are set up for samples not live audio, so I’d need to modify them a bit. The problem I have is that realistically, I’m unlikely to code anything better than what we already have available - in VCV there’s Grains of Wrath, Clouds and the VoxGlitch modules and then I’ve just got Host, so I can use free VST FX such as Hysteresis, Fracture etc. None of these do exactly the effect I’m trying to create, so I’m still going to try it when I get time. I think you need an idea for something very specific that we don’t already have, otherwise you’re coding stuff that’s just much easier to do with existing modules (although it’s still a good way to learn).
same as me, I started some days ago and my first idea for a patch is a guitar tuner
Some great ideas on this blog: https://guitarextended.wordpress.com/category/software/pure-data/simple-effects/page/2/ Also, this is the best sounding granular patch that I’ve heard, but uses quite a few externals which I need to figure out before adapting for live guitar processing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0VuRK1wMdVM&list=LL&index=5&t=9s
Combining this with plugins like Valhalla Supermassive would be mind blowing.