Show added modules in library

Is there a way to show which modules I’ve added in the website’s Library?

Go here and click show owned ?

Thanks! Didn’t even know that was a thing.

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If you log into the Library page, and then go to VCV Library - Plugins - it will show all the plugins in the library in a single list on one page.

Left column is colour-coded with grey for “Subscribe”, blue for “Unsubscribe”, and green (of course) for “Add to cart $nn”. Also a light grey for “Unavailable”, probably meaning not updated for Rack v2.

You can expand to show modules in each plugin by clicking on the “>”, or “Expand All” at the upper right.

There’s also a “Show Owned” button on the upper right, and it appears to show only the plugins for which you have subscribed to all or any modules.

[edit - Whoah! people are faster than me.]

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This isn’t really ideal since there are not images with the plugins. Ideally I’d love to have the same thumbnails as the main lib view to be able to eliminate unused things. I don’t know them all by name, but I can recognize useful ones by sight.

It would also be great to be able to sort by “last used” so you could more easily cull things that aren’t making it into projects.