blamsoft XFX Wave 2.0.2 not installing in VCV Rack 2.4.1

I have tried several times to download, install blamsoft XFX Wave 2.0.2, but it doesn’t show up in the library. I’m using VCV Rack 2.4.1 on a PC. XFX Wave 1.0.1 works fine in VCV Rack 1. Could I copy 1 into 2? Where are the plugins located?

1.x plugins do not work in 2.x, so that won’t work.

2.0.3 is latest version of XFX Wave in the VCV Rack library. Are you subscribed to the plugin (not the individual modules)? Are other Blamsoft modules visible? The subscribing/adding modules process is the most common cause of individual modules not appearing.

There should be four folders called


Inside C:\Users\YOURNAME\Documents\Rack2\plugins-win-x64

What do you mean by subscribed? Other Blamsoft modules are visible. It shows up on my Lenovo computer oddly enough.

I had completely forgotten about that. Thank you! I copied XFX Wave folder under Documents and Rack 2, and that worked. I haven’t used Rack 2 in a long time. It is a great product when other commercial synths fall short, but the commercial ones have gotten a LOT better through time. Falcon 3, Phaseplant, Vital are astounding synth workstations. I hadn’t realized how many plugins I had for Rack. Omri Cohen had made a YT video on the dramatically improved SurgeXT! I’m sure there are a lot more improved plugins now. One I can’t get my head around yet is Amalgamated Harmonics Generative. I don’t suppose you have any ideas about it? YT has no vids on it whatsoever. Once again, thank you.

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