Share your patch selections (.vcvs)

guess a feature request to implement preserving mappings to the Rack folks would be the way to go

Yeah, I don’t know enough about this to know how to phrase the feature request.

Uh . . . Maaaay-bee.

This is the real one (like in my original post), that can randomize it incrementally, but minus the NOTES module:

IONS Incremental Randomizer w CV-MAP.vcvs (22.8 KB)

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Very nice! Useful.

Actually, I think your eigenvalue method is pretty good for what you are doing.

I’ve had relatively good experiences with STRIP++ and am glad it exists. A native implementation in VCV Rack would indeed be very sweet though.

Another idea: Wouldn't it be good to have a generic knob to the likes of a PatchMaster knob, but with steppy behavior to dial discrete steps?

Ideally, the knob would be flexible, so the user could select the number of steps and assign an output value to each step. I envision a ‘Fixed Voltage Module’ but in the form of a compact knob, values being assigned in the context menu.

Stack 8 knobs similar to 8Vert, only with steppy response.

A little number display would show the currently selected step# and another one would display the highest possible step (so e.g. showing that step 7 of 12 is selected)

Or, if the number of steps cannot be handled flexibly, have a series of knob modules with a fixed number of 3,4,5,6 etc. steps.#

Just brainstorming :face_with_spiral_eyes:. Does that make any sense and would something like it perhaps be doable?


Another selection: Soft random chords

Flowing random chords_20240322.vcvs (43.2 KB)

Creates random in-key notes that flow into each other to form ever-changing chords. Each note has its own volume AD-envelope with individual cycle and length. An envelope will re-trigger only if it has completed its previous cycle.

Start by pressing the Start/Stop button of the Fade module.

Rate and Probability sliders of the Random module determine frequency of envelope triggers. Lower values will produce more pauses and longer periods of silence.

Adjust AD parameters in the 8 Attack Decay module to shape envelopes.

Adjust settings in Slew module for additional stereo effect.

Button in the Re-Burst module synchronizes envelopes to some extent, although they may drift apart again very soon.


I will play with STRIP++ again. It has been a while since I did and I cannot remember why I chose not to use it.

Well, STRIP++ does preserve CV-MAP mappings to ADDR-SEQ step knob params, as long as I remember exactly how to use STRIP++. I had to refer back to your post on how STRIP++ seems to work.

I suppose you are referring to this post.

A suggestion to @stoermelder: Maybe the STRIP++ manual would benefit from a modest expansion, because it is such a valuable module but not straightforward to use without more guidance.

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Unfortunately, using CV-MAP setting up ADDR-SEQ to sequence AaronStatic DiatonicCV octave crashed rack and corrupted the patch such that it cannot be reloaded. Reload crashes Rack and the log file shows the fatal error in the Aaron Static plugin. I was able to reload the oatch since I had not saved the modified version, but all of that work is now gone, so, not sure how much farther I will take this. I have not had a Rack crash in a long-long time. I didn’t even get to using STRIP++ to load this selection this time.

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I rebuilt the modified patch for DiatonicCV octave sequencing and it did not crash Rack this time. I will proceed with sequencing the other DiatonicCV parameters cautiosly.

I am so sorry that you have so much trouble. It does not even seem that you are doing anything precarious, which doubles the aggravation :roll_eyes:. Might be good to just turn off the machine for a while and take a mental break.

Turning off the machine is easy. Turning off my brain is another matter :wink:

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LOL. I know how that feels… :innocent:

I actually submitted an FR this morning to support to preserve MIDI mappings when hitting File->Import Selection. Pipe up to add your vote! The more the more likely it gets implemented.


Nice ambient pad patch (or rather selection :wink:).

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Great idea, thank you for taking the time! Actually, isn’t this a bug rather than a new feature?

I suspect that Andrew (understandably) is even more busy than 5 yrs ago. Can you provide a link to support the request?

There is no link, as this has to go via email to support. Simply state that you’s like to support the feature request to preserve MIDI mappings submitted yesterday by me, that should do it… I was on the fence between FR and bug, maybe state that you consider it a bug as well?

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