Expandable sequential switch

Four steps is okay - eight is better - sixteen is decent - But what we really need on this platform is an expandable, voltage-addressable, polyphonic sequential switch - I’m basically thinking of ADDR-SEQ and its expander, except it’s got inputs.

This request is informed by my own needs as well as this thread here. I’ve played around with DocB CYC, which I like, though it’s got limitations, most notably inputs and outputs of limited range and lack of direct CV-address-ability.

Would anyone give us sequential switch, except huge?

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It is on my radar for Venom. Definitely something I have been wanting for a while as well. Beyond massive extensibility, I also want the switch to produce an address CV output that can be used to sync up one or more additional switches. So the master might be advanced via a trigger, and the slave switches would stay in sync.

But I am working on some other modules already. So I doubt it will be in my next release. I imagine sometime within the year though, unless someone beats me to it.


Excellent. And I’m not surprised you’d see the utility of such a thing - I find on this forum that when I’m excited about an idea you are too. Keep me posted, I’d love to use this module!

How about ADDR-SEQ plus expanders, with one or more CV-MAP and MERGE modules?

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That’s certainly sufficient, albeit a little time-consuming to set up. Obviously it would take me less time to set up all these CV-mappings than it would take a hypothetical person to create a module that does it for me from scratch.

Hello Guys!

Would anyone give us sequential switch, except huge?

  • What do you mean by “huge”

You could set it up, complete with patch cables, and “Save selection as…” to save time. I don’t think the mappings survive though, but that wouldn’t take long.

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An expandable switch as suggested by the OP would be splendid!

Until it arrives, the suggested workaround using CV-MAP and saving the selection (.vcvs) may still be useful, because AFAIK, parameter mappings are preserved when selections are imported using stoermelder’s STRIP++.

Unfortunately, I could not find much documentation on how to use STRIP++ properly, but here is what works for me:

  • STRIP++ does not have to be present when saving the selection, i.e. you go about saving the .vcvs as usual

  • To import the saved selection, first load STRIP++. Right-click on the module, select ‘Import’ from the menu and choose the .vcvs to be imported

  • At first, the selection appears as a semi-transparent ghost, until you move your mouse to where you want to place it and left-click once

  • STRIP++ only functions as an import utility here, so it can be deleted after completing the import




Arbitrarily sized, such as ADDR-SEQ and it’s indefinite extension

That’s good. CV-MAP can go up to 32 channels, but is there a merge-type module that can go to 32, instead of using 2 @ 16 poly channels?

A polyphonic cable can hold up to 16 channels (Polyphony - VCV Rack Manual), so 32 will likely not fit. Even CV-Map needs to utilize two input cables for its 32 channels.