An expandable switch as suggested by the OP would be splendid!
Until it arrives, the suggested workaround using CV-MAP and saving the selection (.vcvs) may still be useful, because AFAIK, parameter mappings are preserved when selections are imported using stoermelder’s STRIP++.
Unfortunately, I could not find much documentation on how to use STRIP++ properly, but here is what works for me:
STRIP++ does not have to be present when saving the selection, i.e. you go about saving the .vcvs as usual
To import the saved selection, first load STRIP++. Right-click on the module, select ‘Import’ from the menu and choose the .vcvs to be imported
At first, the selection appears as a semi-transparent ghost, until you move your mouse to where you want to place it and left-click once
STRIP++ only functions as an import utility here, so it can be deleted after completing the import