I’m only a hobbyist musician and I think it’d be overkill to create a thread just for my own stuff so maybe this thread can be used for people who have a playlist of stuff they’d like others to check out.
Oh and I mean anything you’ve made, not necessarily something where every part of it is your creation.
Here are my music releases on Soundcloud all done with VCV. One ambient album and two more varied ones. I’am preparing 2 more albums. Hope someone gives them a listen.
Thank you, some of my early tunes/creations were just sound effects. So stuff on there for all tastes and no taste what so ever . I like your stuff on Soundcloud as well, I think I’m following you [not in a stalking kinda way, honest].
I edited the title to say YouTube too, hadn’t thought about it, but obviously yeah you can create playlists in that too. Really wanted a thread largely for amateurs and hobbyists which is why I wasn’t including places like Spotify and other Mammon-related sites.
You linked to the soundcloud you/tracks page so I am just seeing my own tracks on that page.
Easiest thing to do is create a playlist in soundcloud and pop a link to that in here.
I think the guy after you who posted “great tunes” was replying to someone else’s playlist which probably made you think he was replying to you and that you’d posted your own stuff up successfully.
90% of us in here, sharing our music, are just happy amateurs you know, so don’t think this is a forum for pro’s releasing their music, not at all. If you make stuff, half or whole-finished, on a regular basis, that you would like to share with us (please do), then definately make your own music thread (topic) for that. You’d be surprised how much people enjoy listening to each others creations, and get inspired by that for their own patches. I’d go so far as to say that it’s definately one of the biggest de-facto reasons for the existence of this forum. Don’t be shy, everyone here started from nowhere and nothing at some point