sequence a particular step in a sequence

Maybe try the Befaco Muxlicer? It let’s you inject CV into any of the steps. It’a very versatile module, so maybe checkout the manual or demo/instruction videos…


Here’s @Omri_Cohen demonstrating this feature in the first few minutes…

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Cycle 1 C C C C Cycle 2 C C G C Cycle 3 C C B C

This is just an example for me to communicate how i want to the third step to be sequenced separately. Problem is that when i play the synthesizer, going from 32 steps to 64, that really is a nail in the coffin concerning in depth overview and control of the pattern. If i can have specific steps sequenced “vertically” i can make patterns which are 64 or even 128 steps and still have full overview of what is going on for each step because i am working with a 8 step grid. With this system i keep the rythm of an 8 step sequence and still open for some flexibel variation in it as if it was a 128 step sequence.

CYC by DocB is a good choice, figure out which step is different and send it ADDR for that step CV input. Divide the ADDR clock input by however many steps your main sequence has and sequence that step on each repeat.

As Lars mentioned before, the most flexible solution would be to use a Sequential Switch.

It is like a ‘normal’ step sequencer except that the ‘notes’ for each step are fed in from one or more external sources. A switch switches from one input to another and routes the connected/incoming signal to the output.

Much like a ‘normal’ step sequencer, when triggered it will switch to the next input and route that to the output. Some switches can switch in various ways, e.g. up, down, random. And much like a ‘sequencer’ you can set the amount of steps.

But, unlike a ‘normal’ sequencer, a switch can switch any input to the output. Doesn’t matter whether it is V/Oct, Modulation, Triggers/Gates or audio. For ‘notes’ that could be a static/fixed V/Oct or a seperate sequence (running at any chosen rate). In your example, you could connect a separate sequencer (or sequential switch) to the input for step 3, and fixed note(s) to the other step inputs (e.g. using BogAudio REF).

As said, the Befaco Muxlicer can be both a sequencer (for the fixed ‘horizontal’ patterns) and a sequential switch (for the variable ‘vertical’ patterns). But there are dedicated Sequential Switch (and Router) modules too.

Here’s another option. With Entrian’s “Melody” you can program multiple sequences saved as “phrases”. Say, Phrase #1 is “Cycle 1”, Phrase #2 is “Cycle 2”, etc. Then use any other sequencer that outputs a V/Oct to switch between the phrases. I’m not absolutely sure, but I think you can make the switch mid-phrase too.

I imagine the more typical use would be to sequence something like “Intro - Verse - Chorus - Verse - Chorus - Verse - Chorus - Bridge - Verse - Chorus - Outro”.

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Problem with this is as with the Phrases, i have a Beatstep Pro and there is the possibility to chain patterns, In the end you will have ALOT of patterns. The solution with the swich is great i tried it. This entrian player will be good maybe for recording sequence from Volca Keys into there. This does chords right? Do you think its possible to upload prepared midi chords into it?

This forum is SO MUCH BETTER than Gearspace.

I cant get my head around this solar system sequencer how its sequencing and swichning?

I think maybe, does anybode now how a matrix sequencer works? there is only 1 hardware from tip top audio and i cannot find any demos on how it actually works.

Yes :smiley:

CYC is a polyphonic sequencer, but you can keep it simple and drive it monophonically. The output values of each step can be controlled by CV.

The manual (GitHub - docb/dbRackSequencer) is straightforward.

i will take a look at this thank you!

Hello guys again, world and Ihor =) So all the modules recommended with the switch and spiral are great choises and i will make a dive into them. Right now i am aiming to complete my first track and 4 years i have been playing the semimodular like a guitar, with fingers all the time on the sequencer. So since this way is the closest to heart i will try for the first track the good old way. So i have a Beatstep Pro, I will play the synth from there an 8 step sequence 64 cycles, For each cycle i will make a change or two or no change. When first track is done (lead) I will move on to bassline then kick then snares, then chords. Three things;

1# I would like the beatstep to feed Entrian Player Melody (or other similar module) the MIDI. 2# And i would need to record the sound into something. 3# If i am not happy with a cycle i would like to be able to discard of it on the fly, so both sound and midi of last cycle to be discarded on command, also to stop midi and sound feed and let it cycle if i get lost so many cycles pass without being recorded 3# Is it possible to automatically connect each MIDI hit with the equivalent Sound? So later when i am creating the bassline and have the lead in the backround maybe i Zap some lead hits out to clear some space.

What do you guys think of this? it woould be soo refreshing to hear all the bits and parts of the track simultainiosly for a change. Normally i just imagine a snare. Imagine that!

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