Roland JX-8P synth

:+1: Thanks

I’ve posted a new version 3 of my JX8P / PG-800 emulator on Patch Storage.

This version features two new modules in version 2.3 of my Venom plugin, both of which were inspired by my desire to simplify this patch.

Poly Unison greatly simplifies the unison / detune management

It is basically the same as my Poly Clone, except it gives CV control of the clone count, as well as control over a detune spread for the clones. I take advantage of the extended detune range and direction control to support not only regular detuning, but also the JX-8P sub option.

The unison / detune portion of the patch went from this in version 2:

to this in version 3:

New Unison Management

I also use Shaped VCA to simplify creation of dynamics response curves that lie between linear and exponential.

That portion of the patch went from this in version 2:

Old Dynamics Options

to this in version 3:

New Dynamics Options

I also tweaked the factory tone presets a bit.


Really cool interplay of (obviously awesome) patch design and module authorship, @DaveVenom!

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Thanks gc3!

It was a face palm moment once I started implementing the unison and detune features for the first version of this patch. I was thinking “Why when I designed my Poly Clone did I not think to add CV control of clone count, as well as a detune spread for the clones?”

This was definitely a good excuse for a new Venom version.