Rack will not open in Ableton as a VST on one computer, fine on another - Solved

I have the same licensed version of Ableton 11 suite on my desktop and laptop. I have what appears to me to be the same latest version of Rack 2 on each computer. On my desktop it opens as a VST like it always has. Not so on my laptop. I get this:

Due to a few other issues, I have uninstalled and reinstalled Rack a few times so it’s the latest version and the same as what’s on my desktop. Both of these are Win 10 Pro machines. Any thoughts on the matter would be greatly appreciated.

I would do a rescan of the vst plugins in Ableton,
if it doesn’t work, I would delete the VCVrack VST manually
and then do a rescan.
Then I would install VCV again and do a vst scan in Ableton again.

just some ideas …

Thank you. I had reached out to both Ableton and VCV Rack Support and VCV Support said essentially what you did, which worked, so I’ll tick off the solution check box :slight_smile: