Rack v1 development blog

Does it still auto save? If it is not hard saved by the user it will display on a param change etc?

is this still valid ?

A lot of programs have a menu point last used documents which opens a little list were you can load one of the last used files.
Did you never use something like this?


Yes. Pushing any history::Action marks the history state as unsaved.

No. Override ParamWidget::randomize().

Yes, I have. See Frequently Asked Questions - VCV Rack Manual for feature requests.


A post was split to a new topic: V1 updated methods

A post was split to a new topic: NYSTHI v1 panel SVG rendering issue

It seems to be quiet overe here, is the v1 API/ABI development soon to be freezed?


I’m trying to figure out the factory presets thing. I tried to save a SEQ3 preset and copied it under plugins/Fundamental/presets/myPreset.vcvm
It does not show up, what I’m doing wrong?

The path should be plugins/Fundamental/presets/SEQ3/MyPreset.vcvm

Param::config(...) has been changed to Module::configParam(paramId, ...).

If you’ve already started writing param[...].config(...) code, you can change them all with

perl -pi -e 's/params\[(.*?)\]\.config\(/configParam($1, /g' src/*

Thank you Andrew. What are the plans for an official v1 release?

Once the v1 API is stable, 1.beta.* builds will be available for download, and there will be a 2-3 week period for plugin developers and the VCV library team to port modules and migrate the VCV library repo. There will be non-API-breaking features added between 1.beta and 1.0. The ABI will not be stable until 1.0 is released.


Forgive my ignorance, here I am quite new with VCV, but how can I load these modules ? are they available to download or through VCV host ? this functionality would really open so many possibilities in my studio.

thanks !

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They are available in the built-in Core plugin in Rack v1.

These modules for v1 of Rack which is in development right now. You can download source code from GitHub and build v1 for yourself but this is not suitable for work in the studio yet. If you’re okay using only core modules you can give it a try :slight_smile:

There are lots of modules that can build for 1.0. Funtamental is the most obvious. There are lists posted here of module that are 1.0 compatible.

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Oh. I’m sorry.
Do you remember the title of the post? Quick search doesn’t give me results unfortunately.

The only posts I can find are on the Plugin Developer’s Facebook page. Dave Phillips has been posting from time to time about this.

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The current crop of usable plugins for Rack v1 (as of April 25 2019):

Squinky Labs
mdh_modules (may need some work)
modular80 (ditto)
Amalgamated Harmonics
Impromptu Modular

(Developers, please advise if your plugins build for v1, I’ll add them to the list. I’ll also be happy to build and test them with v1 on Linux.)

I’ve been porting various plugins for my own education. Wrt programming, I’m an amateur hack with truly pathetic skills, so I have not pushed my changes back to git. So far I have the ESeries E340 oscillator working along with a few of the HetrickCV modules. Thank goodness for Google and Bruce Frazer. :slight_smile:

The DHE and Via (Starling) plugins also have v1 repos but at last look they were either not ready for building or they build but caused a crash in v1.

Andrew has made it clear that v1 is not yet complete and that building and testing plugins may be premature. I must warn anyone who wants to build these plugins that v1 is still a moving target. You may build them successfully one day then the next day you’ll discover that the codebase is changed and your work needs recompiled and/or edited at the code level.

Best regards,

Dave Phillips


Currently Ports have a connected state and a number of channels. Should these concepts be combined? This would mean that unconnected ports and cables carrying 0 channels would function identically and indistinguishably.

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