Question about selecting signal paths

Hi all, first post on the forum, and total noob when it comes to VCV Rack, so go easy with me!

I’m trying to create system which will create random chords, and then

  • play them as a one chord
  • play them through arpeggiator, one note at a time
  • ignores the chord, and plays…silence

If two or more chords are played consecutively, I would like to have gates without breaks.

Probably not the best solution, but I manged to create those gates, without gaps, with LFO and square wave. Chords are also done, with the help of sample & hold + quantizer + Dawn Bree’s Notepad module. Playing chords one note at a time is also ready, with the help of Omri Cohen video about Creating Arpeggions in Modular: ended up using Amalgamated Harmonics Chord Arp.

And finally the question: how do I select different signal paths? I’m a software engineer, so my brain is saying that I need a module where I can output A or B input if the input C is…something. I have tried to scan the library but so far I haven’t found anything suitable.

Any suggestions? Or is my approach completely wrong?

Cheers -k

The general answer to making one signal take different paths is the sequential switch. There are a few good ones in VCV. The basic design is you set the number of paths you need and a trigger changes the switch, some send 1 signal to many places or vice versa. For something like moving the chord CV, it may enough to send the cv to both locations all the time and switch the gate signals. All depends on your exact needs for your patch.

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The library of free modules has several options. You can find them e.g. by selecting the tag ‘Switch’:

If you want to switch routing based on an input CV, this could be one of them:
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Yes, I tried that one, but I don’t quite understand the CV input: it looks like CV 3.5 routes to output 2, and everything below that to output 1, but it doesn’t seem to be reliable - sometimes value is routed to output 1 with CV 3.6. Of course I can use values like 0 and 10 so that the routing is more reliable

Maybe check out cvRouter (1>2) and cvSwitcher (2>1) by Sickozell. In these you can set the voltage of the switchpoint.

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Thank you!

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There is a schmitt trigger on the input. CV must go to 3.6V or above to select output/input 2 but must then go below 3.2V to select output/input 1.

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Thank you for the information Count


I think I finally succeeded, and it sounds as terrible as I thought :joy:


Can be download here: Chords and notes | Patchstorage

To select different signal paths in VCV Rack, you can use a switch or selector module. Look for modules like “Bidoo S3QS” or use logic modules for conditional selection.

Your approach to creating random chords and experimenting with different signal paths sounds fascinating. Don’t worry if you’re new to VCV Rack – we all start somewhere!

For selecting different signal paths based on conditions, you can indeed use a module called a “switch” or “selector.” These modules allow you to route signals dynamically based on various criteria.

One option you might explore is the ‘Bidoo S3QS’ module, which is a sequential switch that lets you choose between different inputs based on triggers or control signals. Alternatively, you can use logic modules like ‘Boolean’ or ‘Logic’ to create conditional routing based on specific criteria.

A rather unique on/off switching module is “moots” by Sapphire.

Five inputs and and five outputs, a button in each pair to disconnect the output, and each with a CV input that also connects or disconnects them.

The gimmick is that when you press the button to turn it off, it behaves as if the patch cord was pulled out of the output. Most switches (like VCV MUTES) set the output to zero volts. Switching it out with MOOTS makes it, what, “undefined”? It does not indicate any voltage, which is different from “0 volts”.

One consequence is that if you had, say, four of the outputs going to a VCV MERGE module and on to a V/Oct input, the polyphonic signal would have four notes. With a conventional switch (like VCV MUTES) switching off the fourth button sets the fourth note to 0 volts, a C4 note. If you use MOOTS instead, the fourth note disappears altogether from the poly signal, which now has only 3 notes.

It has other nifty applications in Boolean logic circuits too, but specific examples escape my memory at the moment.

Interesting modules, thank you

Patchmaster with Radio Buttons lets you switch between different signal paths.

btw, if you are interested in chords and arpeggiation, you might be interested in my Squinkronix modules. They do “stuff with chords and such”. Apologies in advance if this is off-topic. More info here

Yup, but its a manual operation? In my case, I wanted to do it via CV

Yes, I have looked those and there are interesting

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