Purf patches - Intermission

A wee one with Path Set


was recording the endangered sound of using a pencil to fix spilled cassette tape, out of habit through VCV/Simpliciter, and… one thing led to another. Untamed Resonator, which I seem to have broken in the process, for some extra Musique Concrète :wink:


a short excursion into beats and possible (maybe literal) songs, with a hefty helping hand by Omri’s recent video. Also, playing that chord progression over and over on the piano without being able to do something else with my occupied hands made me finally get the Entrian collection :wink:


I don’t think this qualifies for === vcp challenge #71: docb === but here’s a snapshot of what happened along the way. As often in my VCV journeys, a shoutout to previously neglected modules: Vult’s Disjoint & SquinkyLabs’ Shaper


it’s hard to see, but did you use any docb modules?

4th module 2nd row appears to be the pad sequencer…

In the 2nd row toward the left I see 4 docB modules:

  • PWM Clock
  • M851
  • Chords
  • PAD (?)

What Dave wrote. Main clock and chord creation/sequencing.

seems enough to include it in the challenge. it’s not like we have too many submissions…

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When comments lead to experiments. More often than not fruitful stuff:)

Not a Risset rhythm but.


I like it, pretty please is the patch available for others to play around with?! Go on, go on! Much appreciated.

It’s a mess, beware :wink: Things to know and/or play with: Leftmost Knobs with the Switch for performance fun with the frequency of the Shepard Gen. The other Knobs set parameters for the Bell Curve. Upper are best untouched, the lower one adjusts the curve’s width, best kept at really low voltage. BPM and acc-/deceleration come from the Offset module between the Mutes and the upper Scope, but not synced to the hihat-sound.

Thanks see what I can get out of it, ‘Upper are best untouched’ now you’ve done it. Alsorts of mayhem will ensue!

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My favourite module collection that no one else seems to use: dBiz :black_heart:. Speaks to me. Here I’m going through the possibilities of a sound for Techno patch. Kick for reference;)


Iiiii… am probably going to abuse Bridge.

Also featuring a hefty use of Delay as a repeater/short looper and Hello, Liquid Filter, how have I slept on you and your ability to distort via FM for so long!?


Another one, actually predates the patch above in regards to experimenting with a delay like this, but now incorporates this idea into the two XFXs here - one with Harmonics, one without, very happy with that sound:) - as well as a Trains theme. I could probably edit it down quite a bit, there’s more to see than to hear but I sometimes like having options.


Wow that’s lovely Urs.

Great to see you run with the idea which makes much more sense in the context you have used it here (one XFX with harmonics, the other without) than it did when I suggested it as a way of introducing offsets in a V/Oct signal :slight_smile:

Here’s to happy accidents!

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I have so often wished XFX’s Harmonics could be CV-MAPped or something, but this is an alright workaround. Expensive but who cares? :smiley: I also like how this gives sort of ~mental room to think about infusing tonal variations. Good stuff!

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A first Day Of The Dead piece. The challenge.

Two uOpulus with open gates crisscross through most of the filters and end up in BLACKHOLES in a way that one output from Caudal - and an inverted one - lets me crossfade the voices in the stereo field. Seqeuncing comes from random gates through Fate, triggered by the LFO, flipflopping into IONS. That v/oct is mixed with a bit of Caudal (I’m fairly fond of my usage of TORUS here;). I’m also sending the two main voices through FLUX, mainly used as a VCA here because BLACKHOLES as an audio mixer seems to be prone to clipping (?) but then I found that Flux’ Offset can add a nice grit to them. Third uOpulus receives random s+h’d pitch as a ~bass voice.