@steve Yes, I did that for my first two modules, when I was getting my sea legs for VCV Module creation. It was certainly very helpful.
In this specific case, while I am still actively working on it, I don’t consider BASICally to be a work-in-progress in the sense that it doesn’t currently do anything useful. Far from it! I’m just from the “users can’t tell you what want until they see it running” school of experience. And the feedback and encouragement has been quite useful for the prioritization of what to add first, and influenced my pondering of what to add or not. Not to mention clever ideas that never would have occurred to me.
That said, I am about to reach out on that announcement thread and request feedback on some ideas I have. So that’s another advantage to releasing a smaller version first; you have an (admittedly biased) set of users to bounce ideas off of. Since is this just a solo personal project, I find that of great value; I’ve proven myself to be mistaken so often in API and UI design that a small Greek chorus saying, “Oh, I wouldn’t do that…” takes some of the stress out of making a new thing.
@baconpaul Having people potentially testing every CL I submit is, interesting. It reads a bit more like having a job than I’m entirely comfortable with at the moment, but I’ll ponder the idea more…