[POLL] which improvements would you like to see most in vcv?

Better API docs. Much more info on developing modules, including UI (not everything is DSP). Docs on the overall structure and high level flow of UI and signal processing, including plugin (VST) vs standalone.


View/Zoom to fit

Zoom so that all modules are fully visible, as large as will fit in the window.


Yeh yeh I know you want it build in in vcv but…(Stoermelder Stroke)

I hover over a module and press “1” on my keyboard it zooms in to that module, when I press “1” again it zooms out max ( so I see all the modules in the patch)


I have Stroke in my startup template and I didn’t realize it did that. You learn something new every day🙂

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wonderful! again something learned. thanks


Event handler (methods) when loading and saving a preset.

At the moment, Module::onAdd and Module::onSave methods work for patches only, but not for presets.

Also, ability to “json” save but only wanted parameters (aka dataToJson independent).

It’s a related post, here (by Ahornberg), but no reply.

Well, if you want a reply from VCV, then email support@vcv.com

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Well, if you want a reply from VCV, then email support@vcv.com

I know… :wink:

I’m preparing a “kind of list” before to email to support.

GFX hardware acceleration

Since many years, GFX cards can vectorize

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Are you talking about for DSP? That’s almost entirely on the module side of things, and generally irrelevant for Rack itself (VCV’s modules are just more modules in this respect).

Anything along this line is currently highly hardware-dependent and nonportable and also pretty much unproven, so I don’t think it’s a good investment in time or effort for VCV.

As for the rendering, VCV is already using GFX acceleration – that’s why there are specs for minimum graphics hardware for VCV.

One way to make VCV run on thin old machines with no additional graphics hardware would be to drop the free zoom level to fixed zoom levels like 30% 40% 50% … 170% 180% and so on. Then VCV could render all screen elements for that zoom levels in advance to pixel images. Most DAWs and VSTs with zoom settings work that way.

On the other hand, I’m not sure if users really want that zoom limitations. As long as VCV only runs on Win/Mac/Linux, there’s no real need for that. If someone wants VCV on mobile devices, fixed zoom levels an pre-rendered screen elements could be a solution.

I think an integrated user preset/patch browser was already mentioned, I’ll mention again. One where we can quickly flip through our patches.

Hopefully they read this, and take into consideration.

Edit: I don’t know why I keep missing the “smart rearrangement” option.

With the option (or default?) to ignore any “Bypassed” modules parked out in the suburbs.

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OK file handling / general system stuff. Small things, but it would fit how other programs work.

  • Double click on a VCV file to open it in VCV Rack
  • A ‘Hide VCV Rack’ option in the File Menu
  • Menus auto open when you hover over them, auto closing the one you just left

Implementation will be different depending on the OS but it shouldn’t be hard.

double-clicking a .vcv file works like a charm (and has for quite some time) for me on my M1 Mac

What do you mean by “Hide VCV Rack” in the File menu? I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything similar in other software (other than the normal “minimize” button, which Rack has). Once you’ve hidden it, how would you un-hide it?

The only time I’ve seen menus auto-open on hover is in a web app. Maybe this is a Mac thing? It’s something I would probably turn off unless it’s on a healthy delay.

With show from the menu is the unhelpful answer

But the real answer is that question is Mac centric. On Mac the menu bar belongs to the os window manager not the application window. Most well formed macOS apps have an application menu with preferences hide etc. vcv rack has the application menu empty probably because the startup path isn’t really a traditional cocoa app startup path (from remembering but not reading the code)

(Of course the full rack menu has to stay in rack since it’s nanovg draws not menus.)

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Thanks! That’s helpful. As you can probably tell, I really haven’t used a Mac since the Macintosh SE (which can be argued isn’t a Mac at all) :wink:

Yup I remember you saying that elsewhere in the forum which is why I chimed in!


You can do that with VCV Pro in a DAW.