Parasites in 2.4.1?

It’s not Parasites as that firmware has a Reverse param.

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Oh, how does one get this to appear?

I usually go here :


This is not in the Library, is it?

I managed compiling Southpole Parasites from flyingLowSounds repo, which incorporates Smoke.

Unfortunately Two Bumps and Two Drunks from Tides v1 were seemingly left out. Would anyone know how to enable them?

Also, Warps Parasite is missing, but could seemingly be sourced from Aepelzens. I tried compiling it but failed…

It is not, and won’t be any time soon for reasons I outlined in another thread.

I have done a, more or less, full port but I’m not allowed to distribute it.


They are not part of this collection, they are separate modules from Southpole Parasites :

Maybe try this fork ?

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:sleepy: :pray: :sob:

ex profundis clamavi ad te, domine!!


Thanks. Just tried, here’s a log of it:

[0.169 warn src/plugin.cpp:196 loadPlugin] Could not load plugin /home/fillotassi/.Rack2/plugins-lin-x64/Southpole-parasites: Plugin version 1.0.0 does not match Rack ABI version 2

Rename version 1.0.0. to 2.0.0 in the plugin.json file (before build) and try again ?

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It works!!


It really works? I used to have it, but I didn’t have to compile or anything. I can’t remember when, but it went away with a VCV version update. Can you “distribute” it?.. kidding, not kidding. :slight_smile:

do you think it would be helpful if we emailed him a few hundred times. Just kidding… :frowning:

Trying to compile Aepelzens for Parasite Warps using similar tricks but… Getting ugly errors |:-/

errors.txt (23.1 KB)

That’s because it was never updated to even the v1 API let alone v2.

Aepelzens Parasites is on my TODO list, I may work on it this weekend.


nimbus is indeed our clouds. It’s in the nightly. We didn’t include it but it was easy enough to add so it will be in 2.2. Don’t think it will be that useful unless you really love surge modulation or so on, which is why we skipped it before. but people like twist, and that’s just plaits, so who knows.

2.2 “this fall” but remembering it’s still kinda fall at thanksgiving :slight_smile:


They’re the Harmonic and Random modes in the context menu of Splash.


(Hi Parasiters!)

Can Tides’ PLL mode be enabled in VCVRack?

Sorry for bumping this post, I’m asking this in the new release post

From the source.

// Instead of toggling sync by holding the range button, just enable it if the clock port is plugged in.

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Hi Paul, just a friendly reminder about Nimbus. I was excited to see a Surge update today, but no Nimbus. :wink: