OSCAR: gui creation tool for OSC

I came across this being posted in another group today:

For anyone that wants to create a user interface to control VCV via OSC and a web-browser. Quoted from the site:

OSCAR is a tool to create beautiful graphic user interaces (GUIs) to send OSC messages and control interactive installations (Resolume arena, Touch Designer, Ableton, Processing, PD, UNITY, Unreal, etc). Let’s create beautiful, responsive and touchable interfaces.

In this video is a very basic example shown with Ableton:

Work environment:

Could prove handy for controlling VCV Rack V2 in headless mode.


Nice project, thanks for sharing!

Would be awesome if it supported midi too, I dreamed of something like this for my hardware controllers for quite some time…

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An idea to create a gui built for OSC and then use an extra utility to go from OSC to Midi?


For info, you can do the same (OSC and MIDI) with Usine Hollyhock http://brainmodular.com/


Will look into this ! Mostly looking for something really lightweight I can use live , and that my old laptop can handle alongside ableton & VCV headless… do you think it could handle this ?

yes, specially if you use the "No audio " mode in the setup/audio tab to create an only MIDI tool

Found this project too, so I post the link, possibly someone can put it at good use for his needs: https://midimonster.net/