NYSTHI v2.4.23

can you clarify what you’re thinking of?

Just searched in the Library and found these, not sure they will do the trick though.

VCV Library (vcvrack.com)

See what you think!?

no multiple playheads

what’s the eponymous morph ?

explain how a xfading looper works: length of fade, type, and if the loop eats some of the recorded time


George created these patches a year ago:

simple crossfading looper | Patchstorage

crossfading looper | Patchstorage

Hope that explains the cross fading part. Not sure how to implement the ‘Morphing’ with the modules on the VCV Library link I provided though?

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morphagene has a “morph” knob, which is kind of like a grain density control (synchronous grain scheduling). From full CCW to full CW, it gradually shifts between the following behaviors:

  1. Full CCW: plays one grain/gene at a time with brief silence in between.
  2. one grain at a time (some apparent click protection?) - this is a “simple looper”
  3. one grain crossfades into the next - this is what I’d call a “crossfading looper”
  4. duration of crossfade increases
  5. 3 simultaneous grains
  6. 4 simultaneous grains
  7. grains are randomly assigned a pitch offset (pitches specified in a text file on the SD card)
  8. more pitches are introduced until all are possible at full CW.

[edit: this “simple looper” allows you to change the loop start and loop length with CV.]

My dream is sampler/looper that has two play heads. One (A) plays a slice a while the other (B) is queued. Assuming you crossfade for x% (0<=x<=50) of the slice length, then play head B starts up when the play head A reaches 100-x% of its slice. The sampler output crossfades from A to B until A reaches the end of its slice. Rinse and repeat.

From a programming standpoint, the tricky bit is to be able to manage changes in slice length and start position during playback, and to ensure it doesn’t pick a start position that is closer to the end of the sample than the slice length.

That’s the dream. I would be very happy if someone could just make a sampler that would take a sound file/live recording and just loop it - crossfade into the next time around the loop instead of just appending the beginning to the end. That’d be similar to what I describe above, but with fixed slice length/loop points it would be easier to code.

(Eponymous is just a big word. Morphagene is different from Phonogene in many ways, but one is that it has the morph knob, and so, loosely speaking, the morph knob lends its name to the module, hence “the eponymous morph knob.”)

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I’ve been trying to get Simpliciter to work as a continuous-record looper without luck. I can’t find a way to trigger playback to restart at the start of the sample without stop & start recording… and I can’t find a way to instantaneously stop & start recording, so I always end up with pops & clicks.

For me, a simple “loop on trigger” input that continues recording at the start of the sample would work. @synthi I would love to see something like this in Simpliciter!

Has it been decided that Nysthi updates will no longer be published through the library? So many changes without any library release.

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Yes, I am also curious about that.

I think there is still an “all OK” missing from Linux users, for 2.0.15

Also i think i have seen a statement by Antonio, in some post reply, that he is spending a little less time on the current plugin, and investigating compatibility with M1 or something in that line.

Also there was some backfire from from new users, coming in that started complaining about issues which are related to using Nysthi in VCV Rack VST, that didn’t drop well with Antonio.

So don’t know… hopefully this current test version will be out officially soon :slight_smile: , as it deserves to be there!

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Thanks for the explanation, I agree it definitely needs to be in the library.

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I’ll ask @Vortico to kindly put the 2 0 15 in the library

Sorry guys I have very little time to give to the community in this period

@trevormeier I have something cooked (it’s a 16 tracks looper) (but I need time to finish: the UI is missing: it’s a bunch of buttons on top of my simpliciter multi)

I know somebody is complaining about simpliciter and related whne used in VST: sorry people I have no way to test it


regarding the missing plugins from nysthi you can recompile it from here (the 3 reverbs + the pitch shifter)


Thanks Antonio!

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Oh Antonio, why did you get rid of the Multitrack 8 track sound recorder? Is there anyway I can get hold of that? Maybe I’m a stick in the mud but I use that in all my patches.

I may not Antonio, but please allow me to help (or confuse, but I hope that’s not the case). It seems it’s still in the collection, at least it is here on my system, as are two polyrecs which offer the same functionality.

Thanks for the reply, however I have just updated to Nysthi v2.0.15 and it is no longer there. I saved it on a blank patch with modules I use a lot and it’s no longer there. I like the Multitrack recorder because I can choose which of the modules I record really.

a merge and the poly recorder should fix that, but yeah, a bit of a PITA replacing it in every patch, but you could make a selection of those two and then load wherever the multitrack one is missing…

Thanks. I have put the Merge and Polyrec into my blank patch, I’ll see if that replaces the mighty Multitrack.

  1. the 2 0 15 version was out for tests since 16 1 2022 (70 days ago) I’m really sorry you miss the multitrack but all my recorder were DEPRECATED since 2.0

If you only had told me… :frowning:

  1. you can use a multivoltimetro as merge tool in front if the polyrec it’s able to do very complex merge !

Damn I use Audio Recorder 2 for every patch I record