NYSTHI v2.4.23

Here only 122,

@synthi is this pre release suitable for use in current official release VCV ?

Or was it for testing only beta 2 ?

please use the dropdown menu

I got them from the library.

I suggest you delete the Nysthi folder and download it again, have you tried that?

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i’ll do it right now :+1:t4:

Sorry, what do you mean : use the drop down menu?

Edit: Never mind I understand now. I think I’m not yet quite awake :sweat_smile: and it’s still 149


@joopvanderlinden Jooper and Pepper are crashing… :frowning: wait for updates

So you found it. Good to know. I can wait :slight_smile:

All sorted here, apparently i had accidentally removed them from the plugin bundle in the website library!

Very cool new feature, so cool that if you forget about it, you will search in circles :rofl: :sweat_smile:

That would have been my next question to you if you still didn’t see the 149 modules :wink:

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Love your modules. Been using confusing simpler to death, multiple instances on every patch. Seven seas is gorgeous. Thanks for your work.


Love it Antonio, thanks so much.

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Hard to avoid. You know the trick of using a Bernoulli gate to generate random record and playback start triggers for Confusing Simpler? Turn on Grid, slice it up, and send a random positive voltage to the slice input with every start trigger!


Thanks a bunch Antonio, you really are a champ! Lots of interesting things to explore now…


you can test the WIN version from here 2.0.7

but should be in the library in next hours

#v2.0.7 (2021-12-02)


  • crash opening v1 files


  • crash opening v1 files


  • not saving data in fields, in v2

Win opens fine too.

Amazing additions @synthi, Thank you so much for all the modules!

I’d never used Jooper before but I just tried it out in a patch and I couldn’t make it crash.

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  1. Thank You !!!

  2. Can the dark color theme by funkybot still be activated somehow or is it coming later?

  3. The NYSTHI-o-meter isn’t working correctly, it always shows full NYSTHIfication. I always NYSTHIfy to taste, so I don’t really care, except for the color switching. :slight_smile:

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Late to the party as usual, but was there not an XATTO TIME before? Like, back in the late 0.6/early 1.0 days? Or am I just completely off my walker? :stuck_out_tongue:


Yeah there was, Antonio just turned it into a hellspawned beefcake of a delay.