MIDI clock smoother: this reads MIDI clock from external devices and applies a “smoothing” algorithm to mitigate some the the jitter that seems to be inherent to MIDI clock (in VCV). Basically outputs a clock (right click PPQN is nice) with a knob that can control the smoothness. It might not result in the exact tempo on the midi device which could be interesting for phasing types effects. Bonus point for a built-in toggle switch that can be used to toggle “run” controls on popular midi clock modules (e.g. impromptu, ZZC).
Have you tried the BPM tools from ML Modules? That can produce steady clocks from input with some jitter or also missing beats.
Thanks, I’ll check it out!
I was wondering if it will be possible (with the headless v2) to convert a patch into an executable file, and run it on a server…so I have my evolving patch running forever
You can do this yourself with a little programming.
- Convert a patch to a C++ string.
- Modify Rack to load the string as a a patch and go.
It wouldn’t be THAT hard to wrap this in a script, so you could do it with an arbitrary patch file. At this point the biggest sticking point is that there’s no headless version.
Oh and with Rack 2.0, you can probably write a simple wrapper and call into the Rack shared library and you’re done. Wouldn’t even need the Rack source, just the shared library.
EDIT: could use a little help (or more intelligence in the wrapper program) with things like setting the output device.
Andrew’s gonna hunt me down with spears and tridents for saying this but… that’s actually some pretty spot-on panel graphics! i second this idea.
You can try asking PYER about panel redesigns so that it fits within the Ethics Guidelines, if you really want it on the VCV library.
Just for safety purposes, I’d ask Chris Muir (he’s EarDrill on muffs) about this before releasing it. He probably would just say yes (or he could think of a condition in which to release it on at the very worst), but it’s a very good safety measure to prevent unwanted situations.
i like the panel graphics too. unfortunately it would not be allowed into the vcv library as is.
i’ve actually talked with @ntfybs a little bit. he has tried to contact Chris Muir and afaik he never received a reply. he was planning to redesign this module and had some others planned. personally im looking forward to them. the more buchlaesque modules the better.
That would be a IP theft from Alameda! which is a pure IP theft of Buchla
I would be happy to help but my schedule is really full with other groovy project I’m sure you can make it your own by messing with the layout and colors.
Quad Bernoulli Gate 1 gate input 4 gate outputs 3 knobs (with CV inputs)
Gate Divider
gate count, 0-100
gate count V 0-10 -> 0-100 counted gates, overrides setting knob.
start pulse
stop pulse
gate inverted
Creates a gate with the length of the counted amount of gates. Starts a output gate on the first rise, ends it on counted n drops, then stays ‘silent’ for the next n gates. Optional: starts and stops counting on a pulse, if not connected it just runs.
EDIT: two switches to select whether a new gate should start / end on a rise or fall.
EDIT2: separate setting for the count/division for the high part and the low part of the new gate. Changed the name to gate divider.
you can use flip flop after a janneker
I’ll have a look, thanks.
Count Modula Clocked Random Gates essentially does this and you get up to 8 gate outputs. For only 4 gates, set the remaining 4 to 0 probability. Single mode gives you only 1 gate output on at any time and the probability is relative to the other gates. Multi mode gives you 4 independant random gates.
Can’t get neither to work the way I’d like, maybe I’m dense. Started a new thread on it.
Yes, having zynaddsubfx inside rack would be great!
Sorry to have confused you there ingo, my response was actually to NOrchetra about Bernoulli gates. Not sure how the reply ended up being attached to Antonio’s response.
Buffer looper per:
Prototype nodes
similar to the current prototype or the frak buss formula it is could be a module whit a numbers of I/O and knobs , and lots of functions nested on it to be called as nodes to build customs synths , something like the syntedit, Ingen or the hora geco, but allowing play the instruments and fxs in the fly
Maybe take a look at Alpha Forever…
yes, exactly something like that, but ported to the rack , that Alpha forever seems fantastic, is open source?
No, it’s commercial, VST only.