Module CV-MAP for CV-controlling any knob, slider or switch

I’m outside now, so just a quick reply.
The important thing is that the min/max should be able to go positive and negative.
So the min position should be in the middle.
If that makes sense?

The middle position would be 0v. For unipolar signals they would reach 10v from 0v but bipolar would be -10v to 10v (speaker in/out full cycle). Most bipolar LFO’s sitting at -5v to 5v they are kind of unipolar offset by -5v, with the exception being the cycle begins at 0v. Audio needs to be -10v to 10v to be able to reach 0dB equally (a.k.a threshold of hearing). The min position on an offset would be -10v which is full left.

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@stoermelder and @Eurikon Thanks for the clarification.

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i see what you mean, well as long as there is a full negative range and a full positive range, then would be great i think.

I just revived a BCF2000 that I thought had died, I could probably have some elaborate fun with the BCF and the mapping module. :slight_smile:

look at how sweet that is and functions! uMAP :smiley:
Thanks for the super fast request fulfillment Ben :pray:t4:


Seems like this Chronoblob is having some serious fun :joy:


lol :rofl::rofl:

Hey Ben, i noticed that the output is not a straight unaltered pass-through.
Is the output function like a CV-Pam ?

No, it is after offset and scale. I can add a switch for bypass mode.

Well there is no need for bypass.
But i ask this because it only outputs after a map enabled.
Also, the output is not exactly the same as the input when the offset and scale are at default position.
In the scope it even looks a bit slewed.

I was able to reproduce it, but only once. There was an exponential filter on the input, a copy and paste error, there shouldn‘t be one on a CV input.
Please let me know if you see it again with the latest build.

thanks! latest build, the slew of the filter is now gone.

i still see that the output is not the same as the input with knobs at default level. anything below the middle gets truncated, see the pic :slight_smile:

Ah, try switching to bipolar mode on the context menu.

i see “parameter changes”
and “signal input”

but no bipolar setting

Bipolar mode is -5V…5V for signal input, when on 0V…10V all negative voltages are clamped.

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ah yes got it, you are right!

all good now :slight_smile: thanks for your patience.

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No problem, have fun!

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Any idea what can be causing this :

Windows 7

That happens when a module is writing to regions of memory where it isn’t supposed to. I don’t think it is my module, but I’ll check again. Can you list what other modules are in your patch?