Great ! i hoped to find somebody with experience
I´ll look into the listed modules the next days. Maybe just starting now…
Much appreciated ! Thank you !
yes, i found these 3 days ago.
I´m patching with the PantherCap since 2 days in my host.
I´m just doing some sample mangling.
…live recording failed so far in that sense, that my rec lenght was allways very short.
( need to post in its respective thread, after dealing some longer with it)
yeah, found that too, 3 days ago. started with it yesterday too
i see these both more for creative uses…rather than “clean” looping work.
ahh wait, it says its a imitation of the DLD.
wow, that would be fun too.
DLD is a very special suce for looping, though.
i will have a look !
Seeing which modules you take will allready be from great help, for example.
( yesterday i allready completely struggled just by finding a clock divider and to make that work / i didn´t arrived the way i wanted to)
i´ll see…
i come from a Hardware modular backround.
But VCV seems to be completly different in so many ways.
I´ve just donne small FX patches so far.
wait, …i read: CV as is in slow modulations.
Wow, …that would have been another question.
I´d really like me to record my manual jammings with midi controllers.
Ok, i´ll convert my midi into CV for this task,…and see
seems you are looking at “midi note data” as it was CV too ?
it would be great to have a “sequenzer with recording” function, which can show “some visual representation” of the recordet notes.
Guess, midi is not your area, then ?
ok, i see, some things are doable…
This helps allready alots !
i might have to come back to you on this in a few days
I thank you very much !