Matthew Paine Music

Aaahhh… that’s lovely, a balm for the soul Matt. “back to basics” is one of my regular mantras :slight_smile:

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This was really well put together. I like the key change too, that’s the kind of musical ambition you don’t see too often with VCV! It’s too easy to just pick a scale and leave the quantiser on that. Getting back to basics is a good idea too. With modular, it’s so easy to stumble across new ideas all the time and lose sight of what you wanted to do in the first place.


Thanks for having a look Lars. Enjoying the simple stuff atm. Cheers!

Yep, the options are always begging for crazy experiments with VCV, which is obviously great, but recently I just want to make some simple stuff. I sometimes forgot that there is nothing wrong with that. Cheers

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This piece is another light one, no crazy patching, just putting together some nice sounds that I like. Vibing on the FM OP with the help of some pre - composed MIDI files.
Hope you like it.


Counterpoint, beats and figure skating. Enjoy


Having fun jamming with drums patches created in rack. I’ve starting doing small electro jazz style gigs as openers for my friends bands. Rack is helping create a lot of the accompaniment.


Oh yeah! Nice!

I love jamming to percussion like that! And I use VCV as backing for my flute improvs in much the same way, though stylistically quite different.

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Cool. Hey, you can play! :slight_smile: Love a good electric piano.

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Yeah great electric piano sound. Is it real or sampled? I can’t quite see in the video. Chops too! Reminds me of a genre known as ‘acid jazz’ waaaaay back in the 90’s, but actually better than most of that. I’m not sure what happened to acid jazz, but I’m guessing it died out because the jazz component was generally piss poor, and it wasn’t at all acid or decent electronic sounds either. Complete misnomer really.

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If I recall it was more Jazz Funk put through a late 88-90s Aciied filter when everything had to be called Aciieed! Because the cockneys discovered Acid House you know!

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Here is a taste I what I have been performing lately. This type of gig is new territory for me. I used rack to create the drums and synths. All patches have been heavily edited and used to create backing tracks for the performance. Also having fun with DaVinci resolve vid editing. Cheers


First little experiment of 2024. Messing around with some fun generative rhythmic stuff. First time using Valley ugraph for generating rhythmic triggers. Very cool module. The silly video accompaniment is Edward G Robinson and Dan Duryea feeling the groove. (Woman in the Window - 1944) An excellent film btw. Happy New Year!


Here is a DNB inspired patch in 5/4 timing. Lots of random switching creating layer variations. I dropped recordings of each channel into logic X for a bit editing here and there (only subtractive). I find the combination of elements smashed up against one another very pleasing. Also, I think I pulled a fairly solid mix (for once!). Hope you like it. :slightly_smiling_face:


Fully purf’ed


Thats means good, right? cheers!

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Heh :hammer_and_wrench: Purf’ed the hard way too :melting_face:

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Here is a new dark ambient piece. Playing around with some film scoring ideas. The shots are from the 1964 film, The Last Man On Earth. Cheers


Hey Folks, here is a new piece. I’m messing with random voice combo’s and random harmonic shifts. I was also compelled to compose a 2 voice string section to accompany the recorded result of the patch. Hope you like it! :slight_smile: